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Scott and Lydia lay side by side on her bed, hands clasped but not a word spoken.
No words were needed in this moment. Scott looked over at Lydia and she was just staring up at the ceiling. He squeezed her hand, just to make sure she was still here, and she squeezed back.
"Lydia?" Scott asked, breaking the silence
"Yeah?" she whispered back.
"I'm sorry for not realising how bad you were struggling after coming out of Eichin house. I was too wrapped up in my own problems. Sorry for being such a bad boyfriend."

Lydia turned to face Scott, still holding onto his hand. She reached over and put a hand to the side of his face.
"You were and still are the perfect boyfriend. It was my fault for not telling anyone and letting it consume me." Lydia frowned, "I was the stupid one."
Scott sighed.
"I love you." whispered Scott to Lydia . "We weren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend until a few months ago but we'd been playing this game for a long time. So I love you Lydia Martin. "

Lydia had frozen in surprise soo long that Scott thought he might of said the wrong thing, until she unfroze and whispered back,
"I love you Scott McCall. A brave alpha who would sacrifice his soul to save his friends."
Lydia reached forward and gave Scott a slow kiss before leaning into his chest. Scott put his arms around her minute figure and that was where Derek found them in the morning. They were snuggled up to one another and Derek left, closing the door but unable to stop the rare smile on his face.

Derek was happy those two had finally found each other after all the heartbreak and pain they had been through.


The animal clinic had kind of become the new place for gathering, Allison realised. She and Josh were just standing around waiting for the others to get her. Mason, Liam and Corey weren't coming and Derek had gone to find Lydia and Scott. No one knew where Malia and Isaac had disappeared off to.

Allison almost felt crushed under the weight of the awkward silence between them but then Josh said,
"So... you're Allison then?"
"Yep." Allison replied.
"So, you've been here since the start?"
"The very very start. I actually used to go out with Scott before he was a werewolf but then he dumped me for my sister... but we're over that. Too many things have happened that made us grow up too fast so we don't really care anymore."

"Wow." Josh said, "When I heard some of the things you guys accomplished and how much lives you've saved I couldn't believe it... I... I still can't believe it. I mean Stiles told me about you guys but not the really bad parts."

"They don't seem soo bad now, probably because time has lessened the memories. I think the worse for me was the hunters, when they nearly turned the entire town against the supernatural."
Josh sucked in a breath.
"What was that like?" He asked.

Allison paused before anwsering.
"Scary." She said, "You can't trust anyone. My grandfather was the one leading everything and he was even prepared to kill me and my dad because we stood with the supernaturals. He gave the entire town guns and many of us were slaughtered like cattle in fits of rage. At that time Liam was still going to the high school and he was ambushed. Beaten nearly to death and none of the teachers stopped it except for the coach. "

"I heard from Derek that there was the creature that amplified their fear and made them do those things."

Allison nodded but before she could reply Derek came strolling into the animal clinic, a very rare smile on his face.
"Who's died to make you smile like that?" She started to tease Derek, nudging him. Derek scowled at Allison.

"I don't think Scott or Lydia will be coming for a while." he said
"Why?" asked Josh
"Well I went to Lydias house to look for them and they were snuggled into each other on her bed. I didn't want to disturb them."
"Wow. Has the cold hearted killer finally turned soft!" exclaimed Allison

"I'm not a killer!" Derek growled back.
"Yeah definately." Allison said sarcastically before hugging Derek. "I was only messing with you, you big old sourwolf. "
Derek peeled her off, trying to act grumpy but you could see the amusement in his eyes.

"I doubt Lydia and Scott will be coming anytime soon so we need to figure out how to get Parrish. A trap won't work, because Death knows Parrish is too invaluable to send out on suicide missions. Also we might have the chance of running into Stiles which will break Scott to see him such a bad person again." Derek paused before saying, "It'll break all of us."

"So what do we do?" asked Josh
"We do what we do best." Allison told Josh, smiling. "We hunt."

Derek smiled, and that when Josh knew for sure everyone was a bit crazy.
Suddenly Isaac and Malia came thundering into the room.
"Guys. Come quick." She dashed back outside and they all followed.

What they saw made Allison's jaw drop open in shock. Parrish knelt on the ground, clutching his arm, so hard that his nails pierced the skin. Skin that was covered in soot and ashes.

When he lifted his head up, Allison saw that his eyes were their normal colour.
"W...what!?" Stuttered Allison, "How is he not under the darkness's control??"
"I don't know." Parrish panted, "But I can still feel it in me and I know it's going to be back soon so lock me up somewhere where I cant get out please!"

"Wolfsbane." said Derek and turned to Allison. "I'll call in Theo, you and Josh get Parrish inside."
And with that, Derek put his phone up to his ear and ran off.


Scott and Lydia ran into the animal clinic. Allison had called them, telling them to get their ass's to the animal clinic now.
They had bolted there, Lydia running barefooted with her heels in her hands.
Scott stopped dead when he saw Parrish.
"Hey Parrish." he said, a widening of his eyes was all Scott showed of his surprise. Parrish smiled.
"Hey Scott," he replied back.

"I'll ask questions later but now what are we doing?" Scott asked Allison.
"Derek has run to get Theo with the wolfsbane and we are standing prepared incase the darkness suddenly decides to take back control. "

Suddenly the door clattered open and in sauntered Theo, a bucket of wolfsbane in his arms.
He handed it to Allison but then Theo saw Josh and his face partly drained of colour.
"Shit." he said before Josh lunged at him, anger and horror displayed on his face.

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