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Stiles's body was covered with the darkness that broke it free from the tape. He was raised above the ground, darkness literally pouring out his eyes and mouth.

The pack just stared in shock as fire appeared from the sword, pouring out and was then sucked into Stiles's body. The fire overtook the darkness until only bright light could be seen. Allison shielded her eyes and clung onto an equally shocked Lydia.

Then everything fell silent. The fire disappeared within the blink of an eye and Stiles's empty body collapsed to the floor.

The now normal-looking sword fell to the ground with a clink, the sound too big for the atmosphere of the room. Nobody did anything, nobody moved. Scott only closed his eyes before a massive thud hit the hellhound chamber door from the outside.
Then it came again and again. Nobody moved as the door came weaker and weaker. Finally it slammed open but no hunter or possessed member of the pack walked into the room.

It was Derek.
Scott froze up again, waiting to see Dereks reaction to Stiles. However Derek did nothing.
His eyes swept over Stiles and the black blood dripping down his chest and then latched onto Scott.
He walked towards Scott, the door to the chamber left wide open behind him. Scott flinched back, thinking Derek was coming for him.

"Derek don't!" Lydia called out, obviously thinking the same thing as Scott but then Derek did something no one expected. He pulled Scott into a hug. Scott was still frozen in shock and greif when Derek let go.

"I hate you for letting this happen. But i know it needed to." Derek whispered to Scott before walking over to Stiles's body, picking it up and walking straight out the room.

Scott somehow found the energy to move his muscles and picked up Parrish. Two of his people were dead and it was all his fault. Scott let his grief-stricken mind take over and he walked numbly out of the room, barely noticing Lydia when she called for him.
There were signs of a fight scattered all around the inside of Eichin house. Somehow none of the prisoners had escaped but some bodies littered the ground, the majority of them kitted in black hunter gear.

Scott's footsteps echoed on the empty bullet cases that practically formed a metal carpet because there was soo much of them. Blood lay in patches too, some dripping down the walls and others pooling out of dead bodies.

The darkness had been here too, inhabiting bodies before it was zapped far away. Scott knew this because Derek wouldn't kill unless absolutely necessary. Scott stumbled to the second floor and Liam's body confirmed his suspicions. Miraculously he was unharmed but unconscious.
Scott just walked past him. Liam would wake in his own time and he would know what to do. Right now Scott was focused on getting him and Parrish far away from all of this.


Allison and Lydia had finally made their way to Dereks loft, the rising sun framing their figures. Inside was a mess. Stiles lay on the floor, looking cold and lifeless. Derek was just sitting in the middle of the deformed sofa, his head in his hands.

The room around him was trashed. The tv was shattered, glass spilling around the ground. Cupboard doors were hanging ajar with the contents strewn all over the ground. A lamp lay crooked next to the wooden remains of what used to be the table.

"Derek?" Allison said but he didnt even acknowledge her. She and Lydia limped into the room together and practically fell onto the other sofa. Allison fell asleep almost immediately, her head resting on Lydia's shoulder.

"It isnt Scotts fault." Lydia said towards Derek, her voice low as she didnt want to wake Allison.
Derek didnt respond and after a bit Lydia softly sighed, leaning back into the sofa but then Derek replied,
"I know." He was staring at Stiles, "But there's no way i can get him back, not this time."

Lydia didnt know what to say back to that so she and Derek sat in silence until Lydia felt her eyes getting heavy. She was just about to give in to sleep when Derek said,
"I just wish we had more time."

Lydia gave in to slumber with those words still bouncing around her skull.


Lydia awoke hours later, Allison still in a deep sleep on her shoulder. The banshee groaned and her back clicked, the muscles sore from sleeping in the same position for hours. The sun was setting in the sky and Lydia realised she and Allison had slept the whole day away.

Derek was gone, the apartment still a mess but Parrish's body was lying next to Stiles. However, nobody else was in the place other then them.

Lydia nudged Allison with her elbow and she shot up like a bullet
"Whats going on?" Allison looked around like she was expecting danger but then slumped when she saw the two bodies on the mat.

"Al, come on." Lydia steered Allison away from the bodies and out of the flat. They headed straight to Scotts house and unsurprisingly everyone was there except Derek who had disappeared off the face of the earth.

The pack looked rough. Scott hadnt slept for over 24 hours, Josh was just looking at his hands and Isaac and Malia were on the sofa. Malia had her head resting on Isaacs chest and he had one arm around her, holding her close to him.
Lydia couldn't help but smile softly. Their relationship coming into bloom was the only good thing that had happened in a long time.
Allison somehow had all her energy back and went over to talk to Josh.

Lydia sat down by Scott and he turned to her, all his emotions flooding into his eyes. All Lydia did was hold him as Scott started to silently sob. No one said a word, not daring to acknowledge all the empty seats that would forever now be empty.

Josh sighed and suddenly sat forward. Allison looked at him disapprovingly but said nothing as Josh fiddled with his hands nervously.
"Guys i havent been completely honest..."

What is josh hiding...?

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-sophie :)

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