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Josh shoved Theo into the metal shelves behind him. They came crumbling down, some vials breaking but they were only empty ones. Josh was slashing at Theo but Theo did nothing to stop it. He was letting Josh hurt him.
"Guys stop it!" Isaac and Malia, tried to pull Josh off but he was determined. He wrestled them off him and went back to Theo.

Suddenly a roar broke the tustle, shaking the remaining shelves. Josh was shaken and jumped off Theo.

Theo also jumped to attention at the roar, standing up despite the claw marks down his face and his shredded clothes.
Scott was livid. His eyes glowed with fury and his claws were fully out. Josh had the decency to hang his head in shame and Theo mirrored it.
"I will not tolerate fighting in my pack!" he growled and snarled until Lydia put a hand on his shoulder.

It was then Scott realised what he was doing and took a deep breath, closing his eyes. When he opened them again his eyes were their normal brown colour and the claws were long gone.

He nodded at Lydia, almost thanking her Josh realised, before turning back to the boys.
Scott opened his mouth, just about to say something but then a leering voice interrupted him from behind.

"What a spectacular show." It cackled. Scott whirled around to see that the darkness had decided it was time to take Parrish back.
"Allison the wolfsbane!" Scott yelled

While all the chaos had been going on, Allison had been creating a careful circle with the wolfsbane. Josh saw her scattering the last bit to complete the circle when evil Parrish lunged at her.
But he was too late. The circle was complete and Parrish simply bounded off.
"I was soo occupied with the boy I didn't realise this one had escaped until he got here." the darkness cackled, setting himself on fire again. But still it was useless, nothing could penetrate the shield.

"Yeah, wolfsbane." Scott told the darkness. "You can't get past that and trust me we know. I think nearly all the supernaturals in here have had a wolfsbane bullet shot at them once or twice."
This was accompanied by nods from the like of Theo, Malia, Derek and others.

Once Scott was certain that Parrish couldn't get out, he turned back to Josh and Theo. Josh had almost thought he had gotten away with it.

"And you." Scott let his eyes turn a vicious red. "Sort out your differences or fight somewhere else."
As soon as Scott's attention was elsewhere, Josh turned to Theo.

"If you come anywhere near me again I swear I'll..."
"Calm down werewolf boy." Theo laughed, "Im not in the pack with these. The likes of a chimera don't do well in groups. I work alone."

Theo flashed his yellow eyes at Josh before prowling off into the storm that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Scott slammed the door shut behind him.

"Josh you can clean up the mess you two caused." Scott told Josh before walking away. Josh scowled, annoyed, but he didn't want to refuse an order from such a powerful leader.

"So do we just wait for him to settle down before any of us go in there?" Asked Malia, squinting at Parrish. Parrish snapped his teeth at her and she returned the gesture.

"I don't think we have a choice." Scott was yet again pacing the room, "Wait do we even know how to capture hellfire?"
Everyone looked surprised at that before Lydia shook her head.

"I can find out." She said
"That would be great." Scott replied
"Me and Allison are going to stay here on watch for the night." Malia interrupted still scowling at Parrish.

Scott nodded.
"Please don't end up killing him during the night." He told Malia.

But before she could reply the door to the animal clinic swung open. Footsteps could be heard, walking slow like that person had all the time in the world.

Suddenly a rain-drenched Stiles entered the room and leant on the doorway.
His eyes were normal, not black like every other person taken.
"Stiles!" Scott made to go for him but Malia threw a hand out, blocking Scott.
"Somethings not right." she said, "I can smell it."

Stiles gave a low cruel laugh and said
"Hello Scotty. We meet again."

And at that moment Scott knew that wasn't Stiles. Void was in full control of him.
"Void." Scott pulled out his claws and Josh slowly inched his way towards the safety of the pack.

"He felt me. The darkness felt my power festering inside and unleashed me. I work for him but I am free. "

Stiles stood up straighter, no longer slouching against the door frame.
"And we didn't finish our game did we Scotty? It seems like there are new pawns to the board."

Void looked at Josh who buried the instinct to duck behind Allison.
"I wonder how long they'll last." He mused. "We'll I'll be gone now but I will come back. You can't capture me this time boy. I will destroy you, your pack and everyone you care about. "

And with that Stiles nodded at Parrish, who nodded back with amusement, and walked back out in the thunderstorm.
Void Stiles had barely left the building when Scott sank to his knees.

"Could the famous, powerful, true alpha finally have been broken?" Parrish said, watching them all contently with his creepy eyes.

"Shut the hell up before I put an arrow in your face." Allison threatened. Parrish tilted his head to the side but didn't say anything else.

"I can't deal with void now." said Scott, "Monroe is still out to kill us, this darkness has Parrish, Peter and now Void is back in Stiles."

"Scott!" Lydia suddenly half yelled in a panicked tone. She pointed towards the doorway to see a figure clad in black step into the building.
They were flanked by 5 others and one by one their hoods were let down.

Scott jumped up when the saw who they were.
"Monroe." He said, slowly walking away, "We don't want to fight."

Derek grabbed Josh by the arm and dragged him backwards. The women that had destroyed Josh's life was soo close, he could rip her to shreds for what she had done.
He struggled but Derek kept an iron grip on him, pulling him away from his prey.
"It's suicidal!" he growled quietly to Josh, "Don't you dare go after her! She has more waiting outside, I can smell them."

Monroe cocked her rifle.
"Well it's good im not here to pick a fight." She and her cronies stepped further into the room. Scott stopped inching backwards and stood up like an alpha male.
"Then why are you here?" asked Malia. "Don't play any of your games. You know Lydia can shatter your skull before you can point the gun so start talking."
Monroe laughed.
"I know. But..." she sighed, looking worried but Scott didn't buy the act.

She turned to her cronies and then turned back.
"We need your help." she said, shocking even dark Parrish into silence.

I think I might have dug the poor characters into a hole soo big they might not be able to get out again but eh

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