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Scott was still leaning on Lydia but he was listening intently to what Josh was saying. Everyone was.
"I havent been telling the truth about my family." He said, rubbing the back of his neck and gulping a couple of times.

"What do you mean?" Allison asked

"Well they were all killed except me and my sister but my sister died because of me. Hunters came knocking one day and held my sister at gunpoint. They said that they would give me 5 seconds to tell them the places where the rest of my extended family were hidden."
Josh paused and sucked up a trembling breath, the tears already starting to form at the corner of his eyes. "I bolted out the back door. She screamed for me, my baby sister did and i kept on running, i heard the gun shot and her voice stopped but i still kept running. Ive been running ever since. Since the day i let my baby sister di-"

Josh choked in pain, the tears openly streaming down his face. The rest of the pack looked at him with a mixture of surprise, anger and even a little bit of disgust mixed in. Josh didnt want to look at them, see their disappointment and hate for what he'd done.

Then Scott said one word.
Josh froze, knowing what that name meant to him and Allison's head snapped up at Scott.
"I couldnt save Josie or Stiles or anyone else. You panicked Josh and made out of there on instinct. I can see you regret it soo soo much."

Scott stood up. "Just give us some time to think."
Josh sniffed and walked out of the room without saying another word.

"Wow." Malia softly said, surprisingly no sarcasm laced into the words. "He... he."

"What should we do?" Lydia let the words sink in.
"Forgive but never forget. " Isaac piped up, "We see if he can still be trusted."
"And if he cant?" Allison proclaimed.
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Scott replied. The rest of the group nodded in agreement and no more was said on the matter.

Especially because that was the moment Liam stumbled in, light headed and banging into almost everything. Allison jumped up immediately.

""Where's Stiles?" He asked before sliding into unconsciousness.


"He'll be fine."
Deaton had come round to check if Liam was still intact, physically and mentally. Scott and the rest of the pack had moved him to Derek's place.

Deaton sighed. "He's going to have one hell of a headache when he wakes up and a lot of questions."

Scott nodded, opening his mouth to say something but was cut off by a screech behind him. He whirled around and his eyes widened.

The seemingly dead sword was swirling around in midair, a haunting screech emitting from it. Suddenly, it burst into flames but these weren't normal flames. It was hell fire.

"Lydia?! Whats happening?!" Malia screamed over the high pitched sound and Lydia whipped out the book. She quickly found the page about death and screamed in joy, but also frustration, when the page peeled apart to reveal a hidden one.

"The sword is getting power!" She screeched from her place on the trashed floor, " It says here an true alpha werewolf needs to be near it for a certain amount of time and the power of the hellfire comes back. It.. it!!"

Lydia stumbled over her words and gulped before shouting. "IT CAN ONLY BE USED BY A WEREWOLF AND ONLY ONE LIFE CAN BE SAVED!"

Scott felt the blood drain from his face as he stepped closer to the sword. The rest of the pack stayed well away but the question was all Scott could think about.
Stiles or Parrish?


Derek slumped back to his apartment. He'd left for a day, just to clear his mind and get away from it all. Scott had it under hand anyway.
At least that was what he thought but when Derek heard screams and roars coming from his room and also a bright light that was seeping under the door, he wasnt sure anymore.

Derek slammed open the door and immediately had to cover his eyes against the brightness.
Scott was standing in the middle of the room, somehow holding the sword that was acting mad. Scott had a conflicted look on his face, eyes darting back and forth between Parrish and Stiles.

"Scott!" Derek yelled! Scott spun to face Derek who was still standing in the doorway.
Scott stared at Derek for a few seconds before something seemed to click in his eyes.

Scott plunged the sword into Stiles and Derek was thrown back by the force of impact. His head hit the wall hard and he slunk down, unconscious.


Stile's soul roared back to life because of a pain filled screech that echoed around his head. Burning hot fire was concentrated in his heart and slowly spread through his veins. It was like burning lava.

Stiles tried to move but his arms stayed by his side and his eye's felt like they were glued shut. He screamed inside his head at the scalding pain.

But then it just stopped and Stiles's eyes flicked open. He let out a deep breath, like it was his first one ever and sat up.
Everyone was looking at him, frozen in shock and Stiles smiled weakly.

"What did i miss?"

Thats the end.
Ive finished writing the book

I just want to say thank all of you soo much and all those loyal people who are voting on the new chapter literally seconds after ive posted it. Thats dedication.

I love you all soo much but dont worry, there will be an epilogue ;)

Oh and ive just started to write a supernatural fanfiction called innocent or guilty so go and check that out if you're a fan.

For the last time
- sophie

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