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This chapter is really short but hope you enjoy it anways

P.s the header picture is dean winchester from spn incase you were wondering

The moonlight was nearly in place, the chamber flooding with it. Lydia and Allison had the book open in Lydias arms, standing the closest to the mountain ash circle. The others stood by, close enough to intervene but not too close that they might mess up the spell.

"Just read these." Lydia motioned to 15 lines of latin that looked hastily scribbled down, like the person writing it had run out of time. The writing was barely legible and Allison swayed on her feet from her head injury. Lydia propped her up with one arm because Allison had to do the spell.

"Ok." Allison winced and dismissed the urge to scratch her head where the wound was. She could get to the hospital and rest soon, she only had to pull through this.
She started to read the latin, stumbling over the first few lines of the unfamiliar language but then it was like something clicked. The words started to flow and she got lost in the incantation, not realising what was happening around her. But lydia did.

Lydia still held Allison up, barely feeling the blood trickling down off her best friends scalp because of what was happening to Parrish.
He had sort of floated off the ground a few inches, arms spread out and mouth open. Fire was spewing out of his it, lighting up the room before the sword sucked it all up and trapping it.

The sword was surrounded in light, growing in power as Parrish got weaker and weaker. It was time for them to stop before Parrish died.

"Allison you can stop now." Lydia cried to her over the whistling that was being emitted from the sword. But Allison kept on repeating the incantation, her voice getting louder each time.

"Allison! ALLISON!" Lydia cried out and shook her but Allison still didnt stop. Her eyes had taken on the same glossed over form from when she was holding the sword . Lydia took the book away and spun it across the room to Scott but Allison kept on going. She stared into the place where the book had been, like it was still there and kept on chanting.

"Scott help!" Lydia called and Scott tried to run forward but as soon as he reached the circle the light had created, his skin glowed red and he was thrown back. Scott hit the wall hard, leaving an outline and crumbling stone before looking up to shake his head at Lydia. The were-creatures couldnt get through this light circle.

There was nothing Lydia could do except watch the life of her friend slowly drain out. Silent tears slipped down her face watching Parrish, the only sound she heard was the ringing in her ears. Lydia had had a closer relationship to Parrish then anyone else in the pack and it would hurt her the most.

Then suddenly it all stopped. The fire disappeared and Allison fell unconscious in Lydias arms, all her strength drained. The sword was light up and glowing a bright orange, the fire swirling around inside the blade.

Scott immediately ran over to Parrish, Malia and Isaac following. Josh had stayed outside to keep an eye on dark Stiles.
Lydia set Allison down on the ground and then crouched next to the drained hellhound. He looked worn out, eyes wide open but not seeing, never seeing again.

"He's not breathing." Malia whispered and she was right.

because Jordan Parrish was dead.

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