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Have a Scott McCall aesthetic I made ⬆️
If you want more follow me at campdestiel on insta

Derek ran to Stiles and gently took the tape off his mouth. He helped Stiles stand up and quickly kissed him.

Stiles kissed him as well but Scotts words brought him back to the real world.
"Its...Its...a monster." He breathed. Stiles looked at him in worry, nowadays the alpha Scott was never flustered but now he was lost for words.
Stiles saw Lydia gulp and she stepped forward.
"I know what it is." she said, "I thought Parrish might have a connection to it because he did with the ghost riders. I was right. He was the hound of the ghost riders but this is their master. It's death in itself, something that we can't escape this time but I discovered there's a way to protect the town. With hellfire. "

She grabbed the book that she had put on the table behind them when she came in. Stiles hadn't thought any different of it but it was a large volume and when she opened it, Scott and Derek jumped back.

Scott snarled at it.
"That book is evil." He growled, "I can scent it."
"Scent what?" It was clear Josh couldn't smell anything wrong with it.
Scott looked at Josh dead on, his alpha eyes glowing.
"The scent of death." was all he said and Josh's eyes widened. He and Derek had been in soo much death, they could scent it. Wow

"Here." Said Lydia, stopping at a page of the book.
"That's the page that showed you what Parrish was. " Stiles said, going to sit next to Lydia. She nodded.
"I was reading it and I came upon this section. "
She pointed to a paragraph and Stiles read it out.

"The hellhound can stop death with its hellfire. The fire burns out and all hope is lost. Only the hellfire can stop a slaughter against a town orchestrated by death himself."

"His hellfire." Said Allison, "The very essence of his fire can protect a town against death?"

Lydia nodded slowly,
"But here's the problem. Parrish went missing 2 days ago and no one told us."

"No." said Scott. "Why did no one tell us!"
"I guess they thought it wasn't important even though we are the fricking protectors of a supernatural town!" Huffed Stiles.

"We need to find him, Peter and Liam before someone gets severely hurt. We also need to get Malia and Isaac back here." Scott paced the room, "Without Parrish what do we do?"

"We find him. I can find more things from this evil book. This book contains knowledge that no man should ever possess so it's gotta have something about death and what it looks like in It." Lydia said standing up. "In the meanwhile, hunt around a little, try get Malia back and catch up with your Mom Scott. It's been a while."

And with that Lydia left, her heels clicking and the front door slammed behind her.
"Well she is a whirlwind and a half." Josh said.
Scott smiled lovingly in the direction Lydia had walked off in.
"You should hear her scream. She was trapped in Eichin house for a bit and they did things to her and her banshee powers. One of which she predicted all our deaths, the spirit of Meredith taught her how to use her powers and she had a hole drilled in the side of her head. She was rescued  but was never the same again. "

"You guys have done some crazy stuff." said Josh.
Scott nodded and checked the time.
"You guys should head off, try and get some sleep because the hunt is on tommorow."

Josh left the house with the impression that everyone was a bit mad and had had things done to them that he couldn't comprehend.


Back in France

The shadow had trailed them for days. Malia had told Isaac and they had tried to lose it but it kept coming back.

"It's something to do with what's happening at Beacon Hills. " said Malia one night.
Isaac nodded.
"Knowing those lot they've probably got themselves into even more mess while we've been gone." He added.

"And somehow it's tracked us here and something's going to attack."
As if Malia had tempted fate, at that exact moment the door to their room came hurtling down. Malia and Isaac were out the window before they could see what had sent the haunting wind after them and the scent of death with it.

They climbed over the rooftops, scanning and searching for the thing that smelt soo much like death. But it was gone, along with the shadow that had trailed them for days.

Isaac and Malia finally sat down on a rooftop, miles away from their flat.
"What. The hell.  Was that. " said Malia
"I don't know." replied Isaac, "But I bet someone sent it after us which is why we are booking the next flight to Beacon Hills."


Josh was the first person back at Scotts house in the morning. Scott was pacing up and down, looking a bit disheveled.
His eyes seemed to glow with... remorse(?) when he saw Josh. Josh didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"I need to speak to you about something. " Scotts tone was serious and Josh wondered what it was.

"The nogitsune showed me what you did, along with how it's mind works. You killed your sister. It was a dark night and you were both starving. She was restless and in a moment of madness, you unleashed your claws and slashed her throat."

At those words, tears came falling down Josh's face.
"I killed her. Oh... I...I killed her." He started full on sobbing, "That was how she died."
Scott stopped pacing and looked at him
"What do you mean."
"I went to sleep one night and I woke up and she was dead. Claw marks were at her throat. I went mad for a year, living in the wild, killing animals to eat but never humans. Until i was re-entered into society by this woman and joined the FBI program. I was 15 when they were killed by hunters, 16 when my sister died and 17 when I re-entered society and joined the program."

"So you honestly don't remember anything?"

Josh shook his head, the tears still sliding down his cheeks.
"If I remembered doing it, I wouldn't be here today. I would have taken my own life out of guilt. I was supposed to go and see the woman who saved me but I can't. I.. I just can't do it."
"Who saved you?" Scott asked quietly.

"A women called Noshiko Yukimura."

Scott stumbled back over the sofa in surprise
"That's Kira's mom." he whispered

This chapter is dedicated to Arsasat because she wouldn't stop bugging me until I posted it!😂 💝💝

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