18. the game

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We ended up walking, side by side, to the area behind the bleachers. The cheerleaders—dressed in their infamous blue and yellow gear—were giving each other a pep talk. I was not feeling the scene at all.

"Take me back home."

"That's the plan after the game is over."


"No, or else, you're walking yourself back home." Yoongi threatened and I easily gave in, mumbling curse words to myself.

Nayeon's head rotated to our direction by the sound of Yoongi's voice (as we stood not to far from them trying to mind our own business).

Her brown eyes then perched on him, and she then came strutting towards us with the widest grin I've ever seen from her, plastered over her face.

"Hey." She goes, addressing Yoongi only.

"Hey." He eagerly said back.

"You actually came this time. I was hoping you would anyways."

"Thanks, but you know I wouldn't miss another easy chance to see you, beautiful." He flirted right back and her face turned strawberry red. Nayeon's bunny teeth poked out as she smiled ear-to-ear.

I felt super uneasy and out of place.

"So after the game ends do you want to maybe hang out at my place. We never get to talk and..." Her tone became more seductive as she continued speaking, "It kind of gets lonely being the only one at home. That's only if you know, Irene doesn't decide where we go after the game. And if so..then we can have much more fun..."

Her fingers crept up his shoulder as he tried to keep a straight yet bothered face from her shocking action. I wanted to scream for him as I was already doing internally.

Even though I knew they both liked each other for a long time around when I was friends with both, the tension between them now is undeniably really awkward.

"Oh. Uhhh.." He looked over at me and I slyly looked at the ground, not wanting to get in the middle of their conversation. "..Actually I already have plans." He ended up saying.

"Really? Like what?" She was quick to ask, moving her wandering hand back to her side.

"I was planning to stay the night at Jennie's place."

Nayeon's attention drifted to me. I became tense as she stared at me with a shady look.

Sounding disappointed she goes, "Oh, with her? Right. I see that." Her tone became a little more aggressive like she couldn't stand the idea of being rejected by him because of me.

She was getting the wrong idea.

"Yea..." Yoongi said lastly.

"Nayeon what the hell are you doing come on!" The cheer captain, Mina, yelled out as the girls were being handed pom poms, ready to go onto the field.

"See you soon, hopefully." I noticed her eyes becoming watery as she said that. I felt bad, but I didn't feel the need to clarify anything.

She wouldn't believe me regardless.

"I'M HERE!" The girl came in jogging with her blue and yellow outfit on, pulling Taehyung in with her. "Sorry I was late Mina, I had to take care of something important."

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