31. the dance

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Rosé's POV

"Just breathe." I advised as I caressed her back.

Every time I figured there was nothing left in her system to throw back up, another episode of bile would come spewing out in chunks. My stomach lurched at the sight of my best friend choking on the vile contents forcing its way out of her mouth.

The night is only halfway through, and still an hour left before I can get out of this place and check into the hotel with my date. I haven't been having that much fun at this dance like I wanted. I've been too worried about Lisa to even think solely about myself or my date, remaining by her side while she heaved and heaved until there was nothing but an empty pit left in her gut.

Shortly, the noise of the toilet flushing drowned out her post-hurling vociferous breaths. In the meantime I had already raised myself from kneeling, backing up into the stall door and fixing my lace paneled skater dress. Lisa's was similarly short, except her dress was more dazzled up, body con, and black.

"Ugh." She ran her fingers through her half sweaty bangs and groaned.

We both came out of the bathroom stall and walked up to the twin faucets below the spotless mirror. The custodians probably cleaned it ahead of time because they knew how many teenage girls would get themselves completely fucked up tonight.

[The 'no-alcohol' rule would've been more effective if there was actual supervision to enforce it; everyone knew that punch was spiked a ton.]

"Maybe you should try brushing your teeth before round 4."

"Shut up Sé." Lisa replied lowly to the point where her voice cracked. She lifted up the faucet lever and doused her mouth in warm running water. "There is no round 4."

"Then let's see. You've thrown up twice in less than two hours, told me that you felt too tired to even show up today, puked again when you barely had a good sniff of those chocolates JK gave you, and now you sound like congested boy." My fingers sprung up with every symptom I named, leaving my thumb a loner. "Is there a fifth thing we need to discuss?"

"Relax. I woke up with a stomach ache and sometimes I'm sensitive to food and smell, end of discussion."

"It's not a stomach ache Lisa it's a sign. I know you're—"

"Sé I'm not pregnant. I already told you many times. I know my body and how it works and I don't feel any different from months ago." Her words were forced out in a breathless rush. "Besides, morning sickness doesn't come in the evening. I am fine."

"I don't believe it." I still doubted.

Lisa fluttered her eyelashes in annoyance. "I took a test yesterday just for you in case something happened while I was drunk," She unzipped her bag and didn't waste time pulling out the referred test that was soon passed to me. She pursed her lips as she watched me examine the results.

Negative [--]

"Believe it."

Lisa faced the mirror and wiped her mouth clean of any excess vomit residue. Her lips were a pale pink that reminded me of a rose bud.

Sighing, I shook my head and placed the simple contraption on the counter. Not knowing if I should feel guilty for constantly accusing her of being the next teen mom, or if I should be mad at her for stressing me out to the point where I think she is a contender, was my current state.

I can't argue with a real pregnancy test.

"I just.." I gazed down at the floor, "Don't want you to lie to me anymore. You've lied to me about something as serious as this in the past."

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