44. the girl

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One day later...

Her fingernails tapped on the counter as she impatiently waited for her to come out. Jennie's brain was already running on a five percent battery. She was tired and exhausted as her stubborn mind kept her awake all last night.

She yawned, feeling buzzed and out of it, but the sound of the door clapping the wall prompted her mildly awake.

Jisoo walked out with a somber expression on her face. As Jennie expected, she had on the infamous orange jumpsuit that was a tad larger than her body frame.

She still looked decent. Her hair was still clean, shiny, and bouncy, and her eyes still had life in them. That was good at least.

Jisoo took her sweet time sitting down on the seat across from Jennie.

"Five minutes."

From Jisoo's side of the glass, one of the officers told them, before he walked back over to the door Jisoo came from.

Jennie unhooked the phone from the wall and brought it to her ear. Jisoo did the same and took the other phone underneath her hair.

"You don't look so good Jennie."

Jennie easily brushed her comment to the side.

Like she didn't know that. She could see her reflection in the glass, and from the scraggly hair to the bleary eyes, it wasn't a pretty one (even for her).

Jisoo scanned her physique even more. Her eyes then traveled downwards, "Rough week?"

Jennie noticed Jisoo staring at her wrist when she said that. Her eyes also went down and she realized that her hospital band was still there.

Immediately, Jennie's fingers brought her sleeve down—with force—before her eyes glazed over to Jisoo's bluntly.

"How have you been, Jisoo?"

"I would tell you, but you don't really care." Jisoo presumed, "So what do you want from me?"

Jennie's patience was thinning already. She didn't know if it was the loss of sleep or what, but nonetheless, she was getting angry unprovoked.

"I want what you need to give me. Answers."

Jisoo lightly smiled at her. Then, she shrugged,

"I have none."

With that, Jisoo took the phone out of her ear and hung up right there.


Her name flew out of Jennie's mouth in a booming yell as soon as her bottom left the chair.

Everyone including the officers and other guests were now gazing in their direction, giving them both weird looks.

Jisoo immediately glowered at Jennie in annoyance and slumped back down on the seat. She relocated the phone back to her ear.

"You are not about to hang up on me without telling me anything," Jennie told her, keeping her voice low this time, "I know you know more than I do about why this is happening, but all you've done is keep your distance and refuse to talk to anybody whenever something new comes up. You've acted like there hasn't been a serial killer ready to slash any of us at any moment!"

Jisoo suddenly busted out in a soft chuckle. She would be laughing in her face if there wasn't a thick, tall window made of solid glass separating them.

"Shit. You are truly stupid if you think I know anything other than Ruth being a victim of your harassment and someone else's homicide. And even if I did, I don't owe you or anybody else a damn thing. You've all given me nothing."

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