25. the silence

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Jennie shut the door with her last available arm as the other snaked around his neck. Her cherry lips imprinting themselves into Taehyung's like a shoe in winter snow, forging a sense of roguery. The tight space in the school's empty storage room limited any loose movements, but the pair were used to the feeling by now.

The kiss obliterated every thought. Rough, raw, but very ardent. For the first time in forever, Jennie's mind was locked into the present. As they made out, worries of the new day evaporated like a summer storm onto a hot car.

As soon as his moist, plump lips marked on Jennie's neck while his hand traveled down beneath her trousers, she lost all rational thought.

"Oh...fuck.." Tossing her head back and bit her quivering lip, she tried to contain any vocal moans from escaping, being mindful that a thin door was the only separation between them and a hallway full of kids and adults.

Then his lips hungrily found their way back to his lovers mouth. He covered them in a sloppy way. Drunk on endorphins his only desire was to touch her, to move his hands under her smooth clothing layers and feel her perfect softness. In those 6 minutes, they both had no wish for the heated session to end, until realization dawned in Jennie's head.

She then departed from his mouth, "Ugh, Babe we have class."

"Shit, you're right." Taehyung breathed out, "How much time?"

Pulling out her phone from the back pocket of her jeans, she scanned the updated clock, before putting it back. "5 minutes."

He made a face, "That's still a lot of time."

"Unless you want everyone to find out that some couple has been hooking up inside an empty storage room for the past three days I don't think so."

"Well you know,"

He dipped down to whisper straight into her ear, "It's so much sexier when people are watching-"

She giggled and gently pushed, a now box-smiling, him off of her, "Stop you're such a pig! Now go." effortlessly throwing him out of the room.

Jennie stayed back a bit and waited to avoid the future suspicion, fixing herself up while trying to strain the natural blush from her cheeks that Taehyung caused.

Then she came out of the room, with Taehyung nowhere in sight, and took her spot to blend in with the crowd.

She obligated to clear her mind of every thought as she breezed down the hallway. Everyone moved ominously on the marble floors due to the social effect the most recent student deaths' had caused. Jennie's face went blank when she saw all the flowers by JB and Hoseok's reserved lockers, right next to Mina's.

All were known quite well around these halls, so the silence was drastic. No one in the building knew how to react verbally to the deaths. They just assumed the school was conducting an investigation as to why their student body was dropping (both from the deaths and from parents ripping their kids out of Seoul High because of the deaths), barely talked about it, and remained gloomy about it. Although, this gloom didn't last for Jennie after she had passed the 'remembrance lockers'.

Sooner than ever, Jennie found herself smiling to herself from ear to ear uncontrollably, swooning in the thought of her recent daily behavior with her newest partner in crime.

Had Taehyung touched her like this months ago, the fire between them would have been enough to burn brighter than any they'd ever known. With every passing day, the hidden inferno built up more with visible passion. Sometimes, Jennie wonders if they are overdoing it, as they had just started getting cozy not too long ago. However, the thought of him being hers alone always consumes her mind, jolts her body with electricity, and makes her feel overwhelmingly good; like how wood reacts to fire.

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