35. the deceit

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Jennie's POV



The door of an old, rusting and abandoned apartment, labeled with the nationwide lucky number of 13, was what was in front of me.

13. It was echoed on the limited call. And the pictures taped onto the door confirmed that after all I went through transportation wise, I was at the right place.

To put it nicely, the apartment complex it was a complete mess, like a block party occurred years ago and no one ever bothered to return and clean up the jumble made by the guests.

Shattered glass, untrimmed and scattered plants and trees, and sandy rocks bedazzled the floor that could barely be seen at a third glance.

The domain was rather small. On each of the three floors were 4 apartments and doors. The structure remained intact for the middle and left side of the caving-in complex. One strong gust of wind and I guarantee it could blow down the building better than the big bad wolf could.

From outside the boarded windows, the shabby wood panelings and the pealing doors with half of them missing knobs, all looked scary and threatening enough to keep the limited number of villagers away if they knew this place existed.

That's probably the point. You're not supposed to know this place exists unless you're that one person that gets a call from an autotuned creep basically telling you to come here or die.

Am I finally going to meet the 'Executioner'? I delayed to ask myself. Why else would they want me to come to a place like this?

Am I finally going to find out who's doing this?

Is this all finally going to end?

I stared at the door [that I've been at for over 10 minutes] some more. Should I knock?

Dark barely grazed over the grey night sky, meaning pure blackness could consume me at any moment now, and also meaning I had to get my questions answered before something else became my fault.

Here goes nothing.

I slowly lifted my hand up to the wood, aiming for a quiet knock, yet instead, I ended up pounding as loud as a gable on a desk (3 times).

Damn, that was loud. I panicked as soon as I stepped back and waited for the avid reveal.

My footsteps echoed on the cracks of the concrete floor, which was once aesthetically pleasing. And the stillness of the area sent shivers down my spine with every step of suspense I took.

No answer.

I then let out a breath of half relief and half disappointment. Maybe it was stupid of me to come here, especially by myself. Maybe it was just a scare to test if this person could get me into doing whatever they say, and I fell right for it.

I groaned and with eagerness, I turned away from the door.

I failed to hear the door creak open, and A pair of arms soon latched onto my neck and mouth and dragged me in with full force.

I struggled to put up a fight in their grip as they slammed the door shut, keeping one of their arms tight around my trachea (windpipe) but not tight enough to choke me out.

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