27. the loner

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Rosé POV

"And that's the last time I saw him," I looked down at my hands to prevent new tears, "It's so hard to believe they're really gone, Lisa."

The plastic spoon gritted in between her teeth slipped out of her mouth. "Yea. It is."

The sophomores entered; their chatter and excited laughter filling the cafeteria as they sat at their tables for lunch. The noise shattered my utmost focus. My eyebrows knitted together to stitch it back in place.

"If only Jennie were here with us, she would know how to eliminate the pain..." A smile tugged on the corner of my lips while I thought of such a girl, "I miss spending time with her a lot. She always comes to my mind every time I talk about this with you. Having to avoid her sucks for me, and I just want everything to go back to how it was before. Don't you?"

"Pepero?" Lisa brought out her hand, ignoring my question.

Sucking my teeth, I grabbed my purse forcefully and began searching for yet another snack to feed the girl sitting across from me. The whole time I was venting, I could see Lisa's interest was more than gone. Normally I could talk to her easily about these things, but she's changing just like everyone else.

At that point, I was so enraged by her that I wasn't paying attention to what I brought out along with the chocolate Pepero box.

The pack slid mini towards her, although, it still gave her a clear cut view of the bolded text; "birth control"


"Shit..." I panicked and swiftly hid the item from her sight - onto my lap it went.

"What is that Sé?" Lisa casually asked while grabbing the snack off the side.


"Aww does someone have a secret boyfriend?" She razzed in an annoying way, giving my cheek a mini squeeze as well.

I pressed my lips to form a thin line, "I wish I could keep that a secret if I did, but fortunately I'm not you."

She caught onto the shade then flicked her hand at me, staring down as dull as the chicken in her lunch tray.

"I have been taking them to stop my period just in case I got lucky and wild after the dance. But now it's just a waste of time since..." I shrugged, "Clearly I have no date."

"Well I'm sure if Hoseok was alive right now he would've loved to take you to the dance."

"...I don't think so." My voice hitched a sudden softness as I slowly told her.

"Well he sure thought so-"

"No Lisa, he didn't. And it's understandable why." I didn't mean to sound so violent and defensive with my reply, neither bang the table that hard with my purse, but only I know why he wouldn't have taken me.

"Then why?"

I gulped. "He's gay."

My ears filled with the sound of muffled snickering. I looked at the blonde that was now turning bright pink.

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