23. the sheep

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I had managed to push past the constant stream of children standing right outside of the school front. Grouped to their preference, were the cliques, couples, frenemies, etc. while I sat atop of one of the schools picnic tables by myself - my own proclivity.

The grass was damp and covered in a thin layer of frost due to the chilly weather. As the high school students walked around, footprints were embedded, leaving miniature indents in the cold ground.

The dead leftover leaves scud over the ground and took small flights into the air aided by the calming wind. Branches from the tall greens sway like the arms of a baseball crowd. My mind relaxes and I feel the desired content of my life bubble up within. The field was out of bounds in the winter but I didn't care.

It was the first Monday back at this hellhole you call school and surely the school teachers had better things to do with their time.

The school doors could be pulled open at any minute now this morning, so I closely observed everyone in my sight while I could.

"The killer could be anybody." Was the line that kept replaying in my head as I cautiously stared around, noting any faulty behavior I saw from my many peers.

"It has to be one of them...but who-"

I soon heard contagious laughter coming from the middle of the crowd [of students], which my wandering awareness adhered to.

Stationed in the center was none other than Taehyung and his very large group of friends huddled up in a populous bunch.

Though Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung were known to be inseparable, the public eye can clearly spot the separation.

On the sidelines [mainly], Jungkook befriended the athletes, Jimin befriended prideful and highly talented guys, and Taehyung, who seems to be going back to his old self, befriends the large crowd of trendy/popular kids that keeps on growing everyday.

"Tae you're so funny," giggled the girl under his arm.

And no surprise, Taehyung was now hugged up with the newest addition to the cheerleading squad, Sana Minatozaki, while they laughed at some uninteresting joke told by him and one of his friends.

Well he moves on fast.

I descried at him and the girl that I assumed to be his new girlfriend, a twinge of acrid jealousy creeping up my back in the midst.


Too bad he still goes for amateurs.

Shaking my head, rolling my eyes, and bitterly crossing my arms while trying to find a common distractor was me in that resentful zone again.

Fortunately, my distractor ended up being Yoongi, who casually strolled past me with his eyes dipped on his phone and two earplugs hooded in his ears.

My mood lifted and I hopped off the picnic table, double-tapping his shoulder and causing him to turn to me.

I beamed and waved at him in a sunny manner. In spite of that, an effortless yet offensive face of annoyance from the guy was my repay. Yoongi blinked once, then continued his travel.

Oh wow, I thought as I quickly caught back up to him with an idea circulating in my head. My hand connected with the cord of the earbuds situated in his ear, before freefully giving it one effective tug.

"I said hey!" I screamed straight into his eardrum. Yoongi flinched from my unannounced action bringing a chuckle to my devious lips.

Seeming a hair away from being livid, he took out his second plug then peered at me. "Why?" simply asking.

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