21. the guy [ 1 / 2 ]

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~time skip~

Winter/ Semester Break

December 30th, 2017

8:18 p.m.


Someone once told me that being with family is the happiest thing that could ever happen in your life.

Yet in reality, family was what Kai lived for and what I couldn't wait to escape.

But why wouldn't it be? My parents support him, love him, made sure he was alright, and stepdad does the same with me, and treats both of us like his own. But my mom on the other hand...

Not so much.

I could and wish I could hate her for all the crappy things she's said and done to me - like what just happened back at Jonny Dumpling.

It's been semester break, which means Kai has some time off college  and mom and dad have a well desired day off from work.

Although we initially thought this evening meal was an opportunity to rekindle our dismembered relationship, the first dinner back together only ended up in another argument between my mom and I. This time over Liv [my sister].

Kai revisited the topic and asked my
mother when Liv would be released from the hospital, a question that my mom was skilled at avoiding.

We all turned to her for the next word when he put out the question, including my dad, who had an expression signaling something was wrong. Then she said it, that she was thinking of pulling the plug.


It didn't occur to me that she was being serious, yet I neglected the truth way too early.

I only asked her why she even bothered to lose hope on her own daughter so easily, not even give Liv a chance to show signs of developing life.

Then she changed the subject and made it about me personally. Blowing up on me, let me know what a disappointment I am becoming to her, told me I have shown no efforts of improvements and growth with my behavior.

She would've continued with her cutthroat words if Dad didn't pull her to the side to whisper something into her ear.

From then on, the only words I had in store were ones that you wouldn't say to your mother everyday, so I just got up, and left the restaurant after that. Kai followed me and offered to take me somewhere to cool me down. He had already planned to go to meet up with some friends that day and decided to drag me along for some reason.

Now I have two options with that woman. I could turn my back on her and just keep walking or accept for all her faults, and just blame the fact that she has had no clue how to be a parent in these recent years.

I guess if each generation messes up a bit less than the last one day we'll be a normal family, whatever that is.

"Ouch," Kai commented in an overwhelmed tone while continuing to stare at the road, "How many fights have you had while I was gone?" He was now pulling up into the parking lot of what looked like a building fit to be a club.

"Everyday I see her. It's just so irritating how she acts some times." I unbuckled my seat belt and hopped out of the car.

I easily located the sign of the building, which reminded me of what I got out of the car for. I started panicking, "No!"

"You like it?"

I shook my head, "No Kai no take me home-!" I attempted to run and slickly escape, only for my robust brother to grab me and throw me over his shoulder like I was some Gucci handbag.

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