41. the three

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A/N: ^^You can already guess what this chapter is all about ;)

Sorry for the long hiatus, so here's a long chapter!



"Taehyung left. He said it was a family emergency and took your car."

Jennie made her presence in the kitchen vocally known with that statement, taking her position behind a chair at the empty dining table.

"Great." Yoongi replied with a breath.

Jennie leaned on the chair. It rocked forward many times, hitting the table to produce the only sounds in the room.

Without it, an expected silence would join them during such a hard time like this.

Yoongi and Jennie were now the only ones in the house. Jungkook was still at the hospital searching for his other half in the astray Lisa, Jimin never came back, Taehyung left to handle his 'family business', and Rosé...



Jennie's eyes fell on the floor. She had just lost one of her best friends, something she could never prepare for no matter how much time she was given. The craziest, roller-coaster ride of a friendship and relationship she could never remake with anybody else was permanently gone.

It was a hard pill for Jennie to swallow, and thinking about it like that only stung her emotions like a heartless bee.


She looked up to see a medium-tall glass of water in her face, being held out by another very important person in her life that she could never imagine losing if it unfortunately ever came down to that.

Yoongi had his own glass in his other hand and dropped the one he filled for her on the table. A soft guise strummed his face.

"Thanks." Pleased by the gentle offer, she took the glass and gulped the cold drink down her throat.

Like a one-sided love story, while Jennie couldn't stop thinking about Rose, Yoongi couldn't stop thinking about Jennie and her well being for the 100th time in the span of a week.

She was still in the mourning state, of course, and he predicted it'd be a long time before she could even attempt to fully heal from losing a friend like Roseanne Park.

He himself was not that close with Rosé, however, he knew how important she was to Jennie. It was amazing for him to witness how close they had gotten in such a short period of time. They were like dysfunctional sisters who couldn't get enough of each other no matter what.

His own best friend was going through a lot right now, but Yoongi didn't know what to do to help her other than simply being there for her.

But its not enough, it'll never be enough..He thought, keeping his eyes glued on her frame.

"...it must deeply pain you to know you'll never be able to control what happens to Jennie behind closed doors, am I right?"

Either his eyes were deceiving him, or she looked much paler than she did before she got to his house. She had dry tear stains on the darkening areas below her eyes. She still had that awfully sickly look. It was as if her mental state was affecting her physically and has been for days.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"'Cause I ruin everything that's ever good in my life. Either because I'm paranoid, or because I'm scared."

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