The Forgotten Past: Part two.

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Hey guys, so if i was you, please listen to the youtube click while reading this! It may boost your emotions :3 Thank you, Love fairy_tail_world <3

Btw, Lucy is now seventeen and this is in the year she had ran away from home and before she met fairy tail.


~Flashback: Nobody's POV: Seven years after~

She was smiling. She was laughing. She was in love.

He was happy. He was perfect. He was in love.

Then it happened.

A man with black hair and blue highlights glided down the road, the rain bounced of the ground and his tears danced along with them. His eyes were only slightly open revealing a hint of dark green. His face was red from the tears and his body began to shake even more every step it took.

He pressed his cheek on hers. Her arms layed by her side. Her body covered in blood and dripping down into the puddle of water. Mixing together and practically spelling darkness.

The blood lingured down her arms, her mouth, her stomach.

Scratches were covering her body along with the long mark layed across her stomach. Her eyes were closed, her skin so pale and her breathe so small. He wrapped his arms around her, whispering her name, telling her it was going to be alright. She tried to smile but she couldn't even open her eyes. So how was she going to smile?

He went down towards the apple tree, tears splatterd from his face onto hers. He placed her body down on the grass and the wind made her blood tangle in the air. She coughed and her body began to flow with the wind. He cried and screamed for her to stay with him.

"Lucy! You can't leave me!" He placed her hand in his and kissed her forehead. A bright light shimmered around her body and she began to fade. "No! No! I won't let my mistakes take you!" He screamed and pressed his hands on her face, he lifted her head up and began to sing a spell:

"Lost, forgotten, mistakes. I beg to your Spirit God to take my soul. Let my sweet be destined to find the one who shall protect her. May she always be safe. 'Yami ai no!' (darkness of love)."

Her body began to re-form. The blood began to soak up and pour from him. He yelled at first as the pain consumed him. He placed his lips on hers. Her skin began to portray its original colour and her the grey curls in her hair became blonde once again. The warmth of the kiss tingled down her spine and she placed her hand on his face.

She smiled, as her eyes were now hazel brown once again. His body began to fade into the sky and tears fell down her face. "Why...Luca?" She whispered, he placed his hand on her wrist as her hand softly stroaked his face. She used her thumb to clean his tears but when he tried to clean hers they only came back stronger.

"Lucy Heartfilia...My sweet," He mumbled, her hand fell as his body was lifted up to the sky, the wind swaying around him. She screamed and reached for him, their hands touched but went straight through eachother. "I love you, that's why." He smiled and looked up to the sky. The clouds had gone and the rain began to pause. She screamed his name, "Luca! I love you too-" She shouted.

She felt the impact of the wind push through her, she covered her body with her arms.

Her hazel eyes looked up to where the boy had floated up to. He was gone.

Her heart sank. She pressed her knees up against her face and began to scream her sadness.


A week had past, and Lucy had placed flowers by the tree where she once met her first love. She then got on a train and watched the scenery flow past her. The birds were high and the sun was low. She smiled as she saw 'her' apple tree.

She didn't notice where she ended up. But she knew that this was where she should start. She needed to find a magic shop, so she could make Luca and her mother proud but using her mothers power.

She had changed from her torn clothes only yesterday. And into a blue skirt with long black/brown boots. She had a white top with blue lines swaying all over it. She had a blue ribbion in her hair, the one the boy had once picked up for her when she was running. She had a belt which connect to the case her keys were in. She walked into the city and noticed a sign saying "The town of Hargeon,"

After she walked further down the road she quickly found a hotel where she could rent a room for the night. She walked down the road, her head facing the floor, many girls were rushing past her but at the time she didn't seem to notice. She walked into a magic shop.

"Huh?! You mean there's only one magic shop in town? Aww so this whole trip was a big waste!" The man tried to change her mind by offering her a celestial spirit key but when she saw the price she got as far away from the shop as she could. She noticed more girls running past her and into a circle. "Salamander the fire dragon!" Girls began to scream.

Lucy noticed how he was probably in a guild, this was her chance to train her true magic and maybe get into a guild. Just like her mother and father did.

Lucy stormed towards the group and pushed towards the front. A man stood there and began to make the girls cheer! Their eyes were all in heart shapes and suddenly Lucy felt her heart begin to beat faster and faster. Her hands began to shake and sweat dropped from her head. She thought she was in love...

Until a boy with pink hair  and golden black eyes strotted through the screaming girls. "Igneel!" He shouted, however he wasn't close enough to the man. He crawled along the floor and ended up at the mans feet. A blue cat dropped beside him, their face holding big grins, until they saw the mans face.

Lucy felt her heat begin to beat in its normal pace. She felt the sweat begin to dry and she clapped her hands together in shock when she noticed the man was using magic to control them. She looked down towards the pink haired boy and her eyes widened.

She didn't manage to hear what they said to eachother but the boy and cat walked of, their shoulders dragging across the floor. The man was in shock and girls began to tackle the boy and cat in anger from treating the man like that. As the man walked of, all the girls followed and the boy with his cat watched them walk of into the sun.

Lucy stood behind the boy, a tear escaping her eye as she noticed, that for some reason the boy reminded her of Luca. The vision of Luca began to fade as she cleaned her tear and heard a small whisper.

"What's that guys damage?" The boy looked grumpy and unsettled.

"He really is a piece of work, huh?" Lucy mumbled, but loud enough for the boy to hear. He turned his head and looked up to see a girl with blonde hair and hazel brown eyes. She smiled.

The cat turned his head towards her to. "Thanks for all you did!" Though the boy and cat had no idea what she was on about, after having offering them food and paying for it. She explained everything.

(Next part is made up :3)

"By the way, I'm Lucy!" She giggled and lifted her hand in the air. The boy smiled in return and said:

"I'm Natsu and this is Happy!"

Her life...Fairy Tail...Natsu...Had finally beg began.

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