8. Chris

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As soon as everyone was in the living-room, I understood that I had to give some kind of a speech: I am the host at this party after all.

"Mike, can you turn the music down, please?" I asked as politely as I could.

The heavyweight, who was standing next to my smart speaker, disgruntedly did what I said.

"Thank you," I said.

Okay, I need to get Kate, we're dating after all.

"Sweetie, could you come here?" I asked her.

Kate rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and came up to me. As soon as she was next to me, we kissed.

"Well," I started the speech, "I'm glad that this academic year is finally over. It's cool that we have been hanging out together, having fun. We've become real close this year, had a great time and managed to know something new. Am I right, Veronica, Sam? "I asked suggestively.

Everyone laughed and the sweet couple kissed. Excellent. That was a great joke, Chris. You are the best!

"I, personally, think it was the right decision to spend this day at my place. I hope, everybody agrees with me?"

"Oh, Chris found a way to emphasize for a hundredth time what a big great house he has in the suburbs," Miguel added.

The guys laughed again.

"Anyway," I was finishing my speech, "I appreciate all of you. You are awesome, so let's drink to us. Hopefully, we will gather like this every year and party like it's 1999."

"Cheers!" everybody raised their glasses, except for Emma who doesn't drink alcohol.

"And now let's take a group photo," Veronica take out a selfie stick and put her phone in it.

Everybody scooted closer and started making funny faces.

"One! Two! Three!" counted Veronica happily and pressed the button.

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