18. Michael

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Emma ran to David to comfort him. And because of that he was crying and freaking out so much? It's ridiculous! But shit happens! I've had lots of shameful moments in the ring. So that's what made David so distant? I can't believe it...it sounds crazy! That kind of trauma can't be caused by such a stupid thing!

I felt vibration in my pants. What? I have my phone with me? How come I haven't noticed that? I heard some more vibrations, so it means everybody has their phones?!

"Are you kidding?" Veronica looked indignantly at everyone, taking her phone out of her dress. "We're always glued to the screen and it didn't occur to anyone to check their pockets? What's the first thing you do after waking up?"

"Veronica, calm down," asked her Sam.

"No, seriously," she continued, "we always check our mail on Facebook, read Twitter, scroll through the posts on Instagram."

"Listen, we were kind of busy today," I grumbled, "we woke up God knows where, scared and panicky. We were preoccupied with other stuff. You also didn't check your pockets when you woke up!"

"Wait, did I hear it right?" that idiot Kate put her hand to her ear. "Our 'fearless' boxer is actually afraid of something?"

She was starting to piss me off even more. I walk up to her, ready to strangle her.

"Don't, Mike," that henpecked Chris stood in my way.

"Chris, no offence," I said, "but you have a lousy taste in women. You see how this idiot humiliates everyone...you are a strange couple, really. Perhaps you stop pretending like you are dating? Look how weirdly you defend her! You should be settling her down instead!"

At this moment I felt a punch in my face. You, bastard, you brought this on yourself! I press Chris to the wall and start to hit him in the face. It's this asshole's fault for crossing me!

"Mike, don't do that, please!" this wallflower Emma asks me. "The situation is bad enough. Let's try to do without fights! I'm begging you!"

Chris is trying to fight back, but it's not successful. You're boasting all over your Instagram page how hard you were training for the summer. But in fact you can't even hit me once? Think your steroids will make you strong? Aaaah!!! What the hell?!

"That sound again," I scarcely heard David say. "No!"

"Aaaah!!!" Veronica screamed. "My head!!!"

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