54. Michael

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"Emma, it's okay," I tried to calm her down.

"Don't come near me! Don't talk to me! Don't look at me!" she cried out. "I'm talking to all of you! Leave me alone! Why...why is it happening to me..."

Emma, crying, went to the corner of the room. It got silent. David tried to come closer to her, to support her, but she told him to go away, too.

"It's so weird that you're quiet," I told Kate."

"Let's say," she said calmly, "that bitch Kate that you know has "slip into a coma" from your blow. I thought you noticed I tried to keep quiet. Emma, I would like to support you somehow, I have never came across this 'exotics', but it's nothing really."

"Stop it!" Emma shouted. "I need to be alone for a while."

Is that what Emma was worrying about? Giving her soft personality, it's understandable. She reminded me of David, to be honest. I wonder how it would turn out if I got that sector?

"So," declared that scum Ayama who was the reason why Emma cried and felt bad, "only three people left. Let's ask Mr. Virani to be one of the three lucky guys to spin our amazing wheel."

"Oh, no," said Sam.

His hands were shaking. It happens so fast! Ayama, probably, also wants to wrap it up already.

"Sam," Veronica said to her boyfriend, "It's gonna be alright! I'm here! Do it as fast as possible. We're almost finished! Look at me when the chair turns to us."

He kisses his girlfriend, goes slowly to the table and sits. A moment later, as I expected, his hands were tied up by a mechanism.

"Mr. Sam Virani," the female voice said to him, "are you scared?"

I guess I know what he'll get.

"I think it's the most obvious question at this point," he replied, "of course, I'm scared, damn it! You know, you can pick the needed sector of the wheel right now. You don't sound very intriguing, I must say!

"Don't, Mr. Virani, you'd better do what you have to do."

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