86. Miguel

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I opened my eyes. On the one hand, it seems like a few months have passed, and on the other – I understand that I've sat on that white armchair recently. It's all the same: mine and Veronica's spacious white living-room where we half an hour ago sat on spacious seats and put on glass masks oneDream to connect to the collective dreaming.

"How are you, darling?" my wife asked, smiling. "Did you like it?"

"It was fantastic!" I replied joyfully. "It's so good that you advised me 'The Wheel': I have never experienced that kind of emotions on any programmed dreaming."

I take out onePhone, that every single inhabitant of our planet uses, and open the chat.

George: Wow, those emotions were so cool! It was great!

Mike: Yeah, Emma and I liked it, too.

"It's interesting that in 'The Wheel' Mike and Emma became a couple, since they are married in real life," I noticed.

"Yeah," Veronica nodded.

I looked in the chat once again.

Veronica: Miguel is so excited! I advised him 'The Wheel' a couple of times, but he wouldn't agree out of fear.

"Hey!" I said a little dramatically.

Miguel: I wasn't afraid, I just wasn't ready to that variety of emotions.

Mike: It's a good thing that in a dream the pain is not so perceptible! Though plunging into oneDream it's quite unpleasant!

Chris: Yeah, playing a person with psychological deviations is fun. 'The Wheel' is one of the best thriller-dreams in One Dream's library.

Kate: Veronica, you did great! You found yourself at the last moment. A second more and we wouldn't complete the trial, but only get unforgettable emotions.

David: Yeap! I agree with Kate! You'll become the awakened one soon ;)

Veronica: I got a very simple, ordinary role, so I got it that there was something wrong in that dream.

Mike: Kate, I'm sorry for hitting you. Well, you know...

Kate: Oh, come on, it wasn't us! Having plunged into the dream, we got a completely different outlook.. Though it's interesting that two hundred years ago everything was a little different, but in general we acted like those people.

Emma: Guys, Mike and I are off for a run!

Chris: Bye!

Emma and Mike left 'TheWheel_75882".

Kate: David and I are going to have a stroll in the park. Want to have some fresh air! Bye, everyone!

Kate and David left 'TheWheel_75882".

George: Oh, I feel a little dizzy, to be honest. My character's 'two months' after 'The Wheel' were so much fun, that I need to have extra sleep. Ciao!

George left 'TheWheel_75882".

Miguel: Veronica and I are gonna have a snack in oneMeal. Good bye, Chris!

I left the chat and inspirationally looked out of the window.

"The aftertaste is incredible, isn't it?" Veronica asked, putting her head on my shoulder.

"And how many times have you plunged into 'The Wheel'?"

"Twenty times or even more. Today I wanted to be more or less ordinary. I told you that you'd love it."

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