9. David

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I woke up and realized that I felt cold. Having opened my eyes instantly, I understood that I was in a dark place. Is it the night time? What happened? Am I in a drunk tank? No, it can't be, I didn't drink that much. But still where am I? It's so quiet in here; so unusual after all of that noise at Chris' party.

What is this place? I see black glass squares on the wall in front of me!

When I touched it I sensed cold glass.

What am I dressed in? Lowering my head, I found out I was wearing a classic black suit with a white shirt and a red silk tie. I'm also wearing black shoes! These are not my clothes! And it's not my shoes!

I start feeling scared. What the hell is happening here? I begin to breathe heavily. Okay, calm down, calm down, David. Perhaps, it's some kind of a public holiday! Was I planning on going to a club with a dress code? I can't stand clubs!

"David?" I heard Emma's frightened voice.

I'm turning my head and seeing my trembling friend, wearing a burgundy suit like the one from the 50s. She is looking over herself and the place we are in, surprised. I look at the floor and see my six group mates, lying on the floor.

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