25. Michael

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Will I really have to talk about my brother? I don't want to! But David and Miguel also didn't want to say anything. It's so weird, they seem like completely different people to me now. I still can't believe that our restless jollier came through that shit.

Maybe it's possible to trick Ayama somehow? That's unlikely! It's clear now that she has dug up some 'dirt' on each of us. I would love to see that bitch Kate spinning the wheel: I wanna see how she cries and asks to stop torturing her; or has she already prepared herself for that?

The memories of what Jasper did to me flash through my mind – I want to let out the anger that's been burning inside of me all this time.

"How do you feel?" Emma asked me suddenly after she showed some support to Miguel.

"Fine," I answered. "I mean relatively fine."

This cutie Emma smiled.

"Listen, Mike," she said to me, "you are not alone. I just...wanted to support you somehow; I know how it's hard for you and..."

"It's hard for all of us," I shook my head and sighed. "Who do you think has the darkest secret?"

"You know, Ayama said that everyone has their understanding of a norm so each of us thinks that their darkest part of life is the most horrible one, but for others it might seem insignificant. However, we are afraid of it most of all."

"Maybe you're right," I agreed. "Are you ready to reveal the darkest truth about yourself?"

Emma pursed her lips and started trembling.

"You won't like it," she said quietly.


Emma ran away to the other end of the room in fear and pressed herself against the wall.

"Mr. Michael High, now it's your turn to sit at the table," Ayama demanded.

What did Emma mean?

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