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Could this be any real?

"When did this happen?" I whispered. Eris hid her face in James' chest as they were sharing a heated passionate kiss which was interrupted by ME. J's arms were still around her. Eris was now all too red.

"Erm......last night?" J answered embarassingly.

I gasped. "Howwhenwhy? I mean..........WHAT?!?"

"She is my mate," J said.

My eyes widened. "Y-your.......w-wh-wha-t!?" I stammered.

"She's my mate," J repeated.

I frowned. "Your mate?" Eris pulled her out of J's arms and nodded as she bit her lip. She came and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry. I-" I started.

"Oh my goddess! I'm so happy for you," I cried out my happiness. "So I have my best friend as my sister-in-law?" I smiled. She blushed. Oh! I knew the reason for those blushing now.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked.

"I wanted to inform but refrained. I was going to do that in tonight's dinner. As Irene's gonna be here,"

"Where's she?"

"She went to granny's. She said she missed us,"

I twitched my lips sadly. "Her absence's flashing,"

J cleared his throat. "Can I have my mate for a sec?" He asked politely.

"By all means. She is your mate. You can have her for a lifetime why a sec?" I anwered.

J pulled her and kissed her. that was a pro level of PDA. I subtly moved my ass to my room.

I had that high feeling of nostalgia whenever I come here. Its bittersweet being here. I went through my small library. I took a book Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. It was my favourite romantic novel, but it has changed. The best love story is the one you live in and icing on cake happens when your story is complete. And I was not sure if mine would be. But no matter what, I would always love him. I started packing the books so that they help me to pass my time. My phone rang flashing YourMate.

I accepted the call and placed the phone near my ear.

"Hey honey!" Eddie said. His voice still managed to give me butterflies.

"Do you miss me?" I asked sadly.


"You know I have big present for you,"

"Mm-hmm?" He said seductively.

" me but J does though," I blabbered turning red. I could see him smiling at me now.

"Tell him there's no need. I wouldn't need that anyway," He said crisply.

"Edward he-"

"Okay okay........I'll gladly accept his present and keep it with me as long as I live,"

You won't be alive to even know it if you ever think of keeping it ,Eddie. I laughed internally.

"Yeah....what are you doin'? I asked.

"Missing you," His anwser simple brought a smile on my face. "When will you return?"

"Er.....two more days,"

"You mean today and tomorrow,"


"Okay," I heard him sigh satisfactorily.

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