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I felt my world turning upside down. Everything happened so fast. Its just not making sense to me. That one minute you're talking, laughing and joking with someone. And the next you're sitting in a lobby in the ER waiting to hear about if they're going to live or not.

I sat there with a blank look on my face. Starring nowhere in particular. As all of my friends sat around giving me concern looks. Royal and Tyler drove from North Carolina to be here to support me. Sienna and Brandon sat around. She was trying to avoid his gaze as much as possible. Ryan was pacing back and forth until he finally sat down.

I felt someone grab my hand. I looked beside me. Thomas's mom gave me a reassuring look. She's always the one trying to stay positive about hard situations. Thats one of the things i love about her. Even though she kept crying, she always prayed every now and again. I leaned over and wiped the tears from her face. Then she smiled weakly.

We've been here for hours and the only friends of Thomas's that showed up were Dre and Cole. They were trying to stay calm but i could tell it was hard for them. I looked over as i saw other patients walking in and out of the hospital.

A doctor came walking up to us. We all stood up.

" Are y'all here for Thomas Sails ", the doctor asked us. " Yes is he ok ", Dre asked. We all looked at the doc. The doctor took a deep breath. " Im sorry ", he said. I quickly covered my mouth.

" No dont say that ! Dont you say that ! Oh my baby ", Thomas's mom yelled out. Then she started crying. The doctor cleared his throat. " Im so sorry ", he said then he walked away.

Dre stormed out of the hospital in rage, followed by Cole. Another doctor escorted me and his mother to see him for the last time.

Once we walked inside, his mom tried to keep her cries in. I covered my mouth crying as i looked away from Thomas. The doctor came in with papers for his mom to sign. She signed them while trying to not look Thomas's way. After, she walked up and gave him a kiss on his forhead.

I had to run out of there. I couldn't take it anymore. It hurts too much. Running pass all of my friends, i didnt bother to look back or stop either. I wanted to get away from there as quickly as possible.



" Im gonna go check on Sadie ", i told everybody standing in the hospital lobby. I ran out after her. Once i got outside i started looking around.

" Sadie ", i yelled out. I heard footsteps coming behind me. I turned around to see Brandon. I quickly started to walk away. " Aye Sienna ", Brandon said as he grabbed my arm. I pulled away then i started hugging myself.

Brandon looked at me weird. " Wassup with you ", he asked me. I looked away. " Can you just leave me alone ", i said getting irritated. " Not until you tell me what's wrong with you ", he said.

I took a deep breath. I looked over at him with nervous eyes. I don't know why im so scared to tell him that im pregnant but i am.

" I don't know how you're gonna react to what im about to say but pregnant ", i told him. I looked at him. He didn't display no type of emotion on his face. I felt tears at the brim of my eyes.

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