Chapter 3

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We finally pulled up to my house. I said my goodbyes then i got out. They waited until i was inside then drove off.

I closed the door then locked it. I walked upstairs to my room. I opened my door to see Brandon sleeping peacefully on the bed. I smile then i shut the door. I took my jacket off and sat it on the chair next to his. I walked over and laid on top of him while hugging him.

He shifted a little but then he let me lay there as he wrapped one arm around my waist. He still had his eyes closed. I started kissing on his face. He smirked then opened his eyes.

" You always do this when im sleep ", Brandon said still half sleep. I smiled. " Because you're so cute when you sleep ", i told him. " Ard get off me weirdo ", he said while laughing. I shook my head with a pout. He wrapped his other arm around me then kissed me on the lips.

" I love you ", Brandon said with a smile. I leaned down and kissed him back. " I love you too ", i responded. I got off of him then took my shoes off. He sat up and put his hand on my stomach. Then i put my hand on top of his. He took my hand then kissed it.

" I can't believe we're about to be parents ", i said. He smiled then he looked down. " What's wrong ", i asked. " Im just thinking ", Brandon said. I sat closer and laid my head on his shoulder. " About the baby? ", i asked him. He nodded his head. I looked up at him. " What if im not a good dad to our child ? What if i mess up ? Its just a lot ", he said.

" We're in this together. Im scared too but i know that you'll be there with me. You're going to be a wonderful dad so im not worried about that ", i told him. He looked at me. Then he kissed me. " Why are you so good to me ", Brandon asked with a smile. " Because i love you ", i told him. He got on top of me while hugging me.

He started kissing all over my face. " Ok Brandon get up you on our daughter ", i said while laughing. He sucked his teeth then got up. " You mean our son ", he said. He grabbed my hands and pulled me off the bed. I stood up while still looking at him.

" No we're having a girl ", i said while opening the door. " aight Sienna. We having a boy, i can feel it ", Brandon said. I shook my head. Once we got downstairs we walked to the kitchen.

" You hungry ", i asked him. He nodded his head then sat at the table. I opened the refrigerator and pulled out everything i needed for spaghetti. I pulled out a pot and filled it with water. I sat it on the stove and waited until it heat up. I added a little bit of salt into the water. Then i went to grab a skillet.

I sat it on the stove then turned it on. I opened the ground beef and put it inside the pan. " So what did you do today ", Brandon asked me. I sat the spoon down and turned to face him. " Oh yeah, so Ro, Tyler and i took Sadie out so she wouldn't be cooped up in her room all day again ", i told him. He got up and walked over to me. " Oh, where yall end up taking her ", Brandon asked as he got up on the counter.

" We took her to the movies and after we went bowling ", i said. " Oh, thats wassup ", he said. I walked up and stood between his legs. " I wish you were there with us ", i told him. He hugged me. " I know. But i had to talk to Kaine real quick ", he said. I rolled my eyes then went back to the stove.

" What? Whats wrong ?", Brandon asked me. " You really asking me that ", i questioned him. He looked confused for a minute but then he sucked his teeth. " Yeah ", i said. I stirred the meat in the pan so it can cook all over. Then i took a different spoon and stir the noodles. I looked back at him. " I don't see what the big issue is ", Brandon said then he shrugged his shoulders.

" Really? After he did that foul shit to Royal and you still talking to him ?", i questioned him. He started rubbing his temples. " Oh so im getting on your nerves now? ", i asked. He took a deep breath. " No, im just trying not to say anything to upset you ", Brandon replied. I nodded my head.

" But you gotta understand that he's still my brother. So im not gonna stop hanging with him just because of some shit he had going on with Royal. Thats none of my business and you shouldn't be worried about it either ", he continued catching an attitude. I crossed my arms while staring at him. " Ok but my loyalty is with Ro. So fuck all of that shit you're talking ", i responded back.

" aight Sienna you better calm that shit down before i fuck you up ", he said. " Yeah whatever Brandon you getting on my damn nerves ", i said. He sucked his teeth then walked out of the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at his childish ass. Then i started putting my attention back on the food.



" You never told me about what you're ma said ", i said to Royal. We were leaving from dropping Sadie off.

She looked down at her hands. " She...she had said that basically she started cheating because my dad had cheated on her and some other dumb shit ", Royal said. I looked over at her then back at the road.

" Did you ever talk to your dad about it ", i asked. She shook her head. " My dad is so happy right now. With Tanya and everything. I don't want to ruin that by telling him about what my mom said ", Royal replied. I nodded my head.

" I get that ", i said. It had gotten quiet. Then she cleared her throat. " The thing thats really bothering me is that she never apologized. She's just trying to make an excuse after excuse so she can still play the victim ", Ro said. Tears started to fall down her cheek. I took her hand then kissed it.

" Just like what you said about my dad. You just need to cut all ties with her because clearly she's bringing you nothing but stress and hurt. I love you and i don't want to see you keep crying over this  ", i told her. I wiped her face off. " You're right. I wanted to say..thank you for coming down there with me. Despite the drama that occurred before hand. I wouldn't know what to do if you didn't come with me. You're always there for me and i love you so much ", Royal said.

She leaned over and kissed my cheek. Then she laid her head on my shoulder. I looked down at her then smiled. She just don't know how much she means to me.


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