Chapter 2

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I was laying in my bed trying to go to sleep. But i just can't. I haven't slept since Thomas passed. I couldn't even bring myself to eat anything.

I feel like another part of me is gone, i just feel empty. Thomas was my everything and even more. Yeah he might've been in that lifestyle but he shouldn't have died. I kept telling him that he needs to get out while he could but he would always tell me that i shouldn't worry about him and that he's gonna be fine.

But look now. He's gone and there's nothing i can do about it. It hurts so much that i can't even bring myself to go to school. Im just not in the mood to be around anybody. The funeral was even worse. The whole time i was quiet and just starring off into space thinking. Thinking about how could someone do this to another human being. They took a son, a friend, a nephew, an uncle, and my everything. And not give a care in the world.

I started to cry. That seems like what ive been doing alot lately. I heard a knock on my door. I looked up and saw my mom walk in. " Honey your friends are here to see you ", she said. I pulled the covers over my shoulders some more. " Tell them to go away please ", i said. My mom shook her head. " i wish i could but they're already here ", mom said. I started wiping the tears away. Before i got the chance to say anything, i saw them walking into my room.

" Thank yall for coming. Im gonna leave yall to it ", my mom said. She left out leaving all of us alone. Royal and Sienna walked to each side of me then sat down. Tyler stood by the door. " Hey bestfriend ", Sienna said as she gave me a hug. " Are you ok ", Royal asked me then she gave me a hug.

I nodded my head. " Yeah im fine guys, really ", i told them. " Look i know that you're still upset and i completely understand but you haven't left the house in i don't know how long ", Sienna said. " yeah we're really worried about you ", Royal said. I took a deep breath. " I told yall i was fine. What more do y'all want me to say ", i questioned them.

It gotten quiet. " Well, get up and get dressed ", Sienna said while getting up from the bed. I looked at her confused. " For what ", i asked. " We're taking you out today ", she said. " Yeah so come on ", Royal said. I sighed.

" Ok. Just step out so i can get dressed ", i told them. Tyler nodded then walked off. Sienna and Royal still stood there. " Um, do y'all mind ", i said while still sitting on the bed. " How we know you're not just gonna go back to sleep when we leave ", Royal questioned. " I promise yall im not ", i said. They looked at each other then walked out shutting my door.

I really didn't want to leave my room today...or any other day for that matter. But I guess it'll do me some good just to get out and get some fresh air. I got up from my bed then went to take a shower. After i brushed my teeth. I went into my closet and pulled out a oversized college sweater, black leggings, and some white nike socks. After i put my undergarments on, i put on the outfit. I slid into my black boy uggs.

After that i walked over to my vanity mirror and parted a middle part with my hair. Then i brushed it into a low bun. I put some lip gloss on. Then i stood up and grabbed my phone.

Once i got downstairs they were all sitting on the couch. They stood up once they saw me. " Awh, you ready ", Royal asked with a smile. I nodded my head. I told my mom goodbye and then we all walked out.

We got inside Tyler's car and then we drove off.



" So how do you feel about that ", Kaine asked me. We were sitting on my porch. He took a puff from the blunt then he passed it to me. Kaine started smoking recently. I guess because all the shit that's going on with him and Ro, he just needed to take his mind off of it. " I..i don't know ", i told him.

I was telling him about Sienna and her being pregnant. I exhaled and watch the smoke go up in the air. " Look bro, im not gonna sit here and tell you that i know what you're going through because i don't. But you gotta man up and take responsibility. Your girl need you more then ever because she's having your baby and you being here getting high with me aint helping nobody ", Kaine said.

I started kicking rock pebbles looking down. Then i sighed. " I see what you're saying but its stressing me out and my child ain't even here yet. Im not gonna know how to be a parent, im not ready for all that shit yet ", i said. Then he nodded his head.

" I see what you saying but imagine how Sienna feeling ", Kaine said. I rubbed my face. I pulled out my phone and started texting Sienna ,

Me - aye wya

My rock🔐❤ - out with Sadie and Ro, why ?

Me - I gotta talk to you, when you getting back ?

My rock🔐❤ - Probably in another hour or so. Why what's wrong baby??

I took a deep breath. " What she say ", Kaine asked. I ignored him and went back to texting Sienna,

Me - nothing. I just wanna see you

My rock🔐❤ - awh 💕 ok i promise ill be finished in a hour. Just wait for me at my house ok ?

Me - aight. Be safe, i love you

My rock🔐❤ - I love you more

I put my phone in my pocket then i stood up. " Aye can you drop me off at Sienna's crib real quick ", i asked Kaine. He nodded his head then stood up. He put the blunt out then we walked to his car.

We got in and drove off. After 15 minutes we pulled up at Sienna's house. " Aight, i appreciate it bro ", i said as i opened the car door. " aye don't mess it up with Sienna bro. Since you got back with her you've been happy every since. Yall make each other happy, don't loose that over some bullshit B ", Kaine said. I nodded then dapped him up.

I got out and walked up to her front porch. I pulled out the second key to her house she gave me and walked inside. I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. I pulled out a sprite. I left the kitchen and walked upstairs to her room.

I closed her door then i took my coat off and put it on the chair.  I sat my drink down on her night stand then i took my 11's off and sat them to the side. I laid on the bed then i got on my phone.

I started to dose off and i ended up falling asleep.



" So did you have fun ", i asked Sadie. " Yeah, thank you guys. I really needed this ", Sadie said with a smile.

We took her to go see a movie. I bought her tons of Reeses and Sour patch because that's her favorite candy. Royal bought her nachos and a big thing of buttery popcorn. Which all of us ended up sharing.

After that we went bowling. I could tell that she had so much fun. " No need to thank us. We love you so we took you out to cheer you up ", Royal said. I nodded agreeing. " Awh i love you guys ", Sadie said hugging us.

We finally got to Tyler's car then got in. " Yall hungry ", he asked us. " Yes im starving ", Royal said. Sadie nodded in agreement. I cleared my throat. " Well actually do you mind dropping me off at my house ", i asked Tyler.

" Yeah ill take you ", he said as he started the car up. I sat back feeling bad. I told Brandon that i was only going to be gone for an hour and its now 9 at night.

He drove out of the parking lot then onto the main road.


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