Chapter 7

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" Come on ", i said as i turned the car off. Royal looked around then she looked at me.

" You taking me to see your mom ", She asked me. I nodded my head. She smiled. " I figured it was time for you to see her. You mean that much to me ", i told her. She leaned over then we kissed. " You ready babe ", She asked with a smile. I nodded my head. " Lets go ", i said.

We both got out of the car. She waited until i walked over to grab my hand. We started walking through the cemetery. I was looking down at all the tomb stones while we walked. I felt Royal squeezed my hand. I looked over to see her smiling. Which calmed me down.

" Here we are ", i told Royal. We took a seat on the grass right beside my mom's grave. There was now two pictures of my mom on her tomb stone. She still had all of her flowers and stuff. " Gosh Tyler, she was beautiful ", Royal said. I had to turned away because i felt myself getting emotional. And i don't like that shit at all.

" Yeah, she was ", i said. I brought my knees up a little then i laid my arms around them while holding my phone. Royal looked over at me. " where's your family? I mean beside your uncle and cousin ", she asked me. I looked over at her. " Uh...i don't know. Last time i checked they were in california somewhere. I haven't seen them since my ma's funeral. But the only family that i have right now is my uncle and Zay ", i told her.

She pushed her hair behind her ear. " Are they your mom's family ", Royal asked. I shook my head. " Nah, they my dad's family. They the only people i fuck with on that side ", i said. Royal smacked me on my arm. " What th- ", i said.

" You can't be cussing out here. We're at a cemetery Ty ", she said. " And ? ", i said. " And thats rude, bae ", she replied. I rubbed my face with my hands. " Aight, my bad ", i said. Royal shook her head. " What am i gonna do with you ", She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. " As long as you don't leave me then we're good ", i said. She smiled as she leaned over then kissed me. " Im never gonna leave you ", Royal said. I stood up then i grabbed her hand.

" Like you have a choice anyway ", i said. She got up off the ground. " Yeah whatever ", Royal said. I grabbed her hand then we walked back to the car. Once we got in, i drove to the park.

We got out of the car. Then we started walking. The only light we had were the stars. " Lets get on the swings ", Royal said. I shrugged my shoulders then we walked to the swings. We got on them. I looked over at Royal then i smiled small.

She smiled at me then looked down. " What ", I asked her. She put her hair behind her ear. " You make me nervous when you just stare at me like that ", Royal said. " How do i make you nervous ", i questioned. She still was smiling. " Tyler i don't just do ", she replied.

I stood up then i walked and stood in between her legs. She looked up at me. I just stared at her in awe. She's just perfect to me. She stared at me while biting her bottom lip. " What ", Royal asked with a smile. I licked my bottom lip.

I leaned down then i kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back. We started to kiss passionately. She stood up then she wrapped her arms around my neck. I glide my hands down her back. Then i gripped her ass. She moaned softly against my lips.

I pulled away. " We can stop if you want ", i said. She held her hand out. I raised an eyebrow at her. " Come on ", Royal said. " You sure ? You not high are you ? ", i asked. She sucked her teeth.

" We're not having sex. I just want to do something else ", she said. I knew what else she meant. We walked to the car then got in the back seat. " Look baby, you don't have to do this if you don't want to ", i told her.



" Its ok Tyler, i want to ", i told him. He still looked at me strangely. " Ard ", he said. I started kissing him then he started kissing me back. I started undoing his pants. Lord i don't know what im doing.

I stopped kissing him as i took his member out of his boxers. I just stared at it. It was huge as hell. I felt Tyler looked over at me. " You don't gotta do this Ro- ", he started to say but i cut him off by putting his member in my mouth. I just started bopping my head up and down. " Shit ", he groaned lowly.

Let me just pretend that im sucking on a lollipop or something. I started putting all of him in my mouth. Which caused me to gag.  After a few seconds i started to get the hang of it or whatever. By the sound of it, i was doing it right.

" Damn Ro ", Tyler groaned. I smirked to myself because this was my first time doing this. After minutes went by, i all of a sudden felt something warm in my mouth. Not knowing what to do, i just swallowed it.

Tyler started looking around. " Where did it go ", he asked. " where did what go ", i asked him. " The um .. ", he said. I immediately knew what he meant. " Oh i swallowed it ", i replied. He raised an eyebrow and started smiling. " What ", i asked.

" Nothing, now its your turn ", he said with a smirk. I laid back then he took my bottoms off. He leaned down then kissed it leaving chills through my body. Then he started giving me head. I kept arching my back because it felt so good. I really missed this.

I started moaning his name. Then i grabbed his hair. I looked down at him. Then he looked up at me. He stared into my eyes while he did it which turned me on even more. I threw my head back in enjoyment. I felt myself reach my climax.

After he licked me up clean i sat up. I put my bottoms back on. I looked up at Tyler. " I would kiss you but you know ", he said. I sucked my teeth. I don't know why boys act like that.

" Whatever. You get on my nerves ", i said. He laid on top of me. He laid a big sloppy kiss on my cheek. " Ew Tyler, you know i hate that ", i said as i wiped my cheek off. He started laughing. " I know thats why i do it ", he replied.

I rolled my eyes. " I love you Royal ", he said with a smirk. " I love you too Tyler. Now get off of me ", i said with a smile. " Alright fine ", he said as he got up.

He let me crawl up to the passenger seat then he got in the driver seat. We put our seatbelts on then we drove off.


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