Chapter 6

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" Here let me get that ", i said to Tanya. I grabbed the flowers and sat them on the table. " Thank you ", she said then she kissed me. I nodded then walked over to the living room.

We were setting up everything for the dinner meeting. Which happens in 20 minutes. Royal went somewhere without me knowing. But ill deal with that later. Bella is with her grandparents.

And Ryan he left with two of his friends. I think their names were Trey and Rashad. I dont know how to feel about them but Trey is ok. While Rashad on the other a weird individual. Now this other friend that i haven't met yet, i think Ryan said that his name was Darius. I hope he's decent.

Tanya thinks that im going over board but Ryan is like my son that i never had. And i want to make sure that he's around people who genuinely love and care about him. Royal gets mad when i do that to her but im just being a dad.

" Ok they're here ", Tanya said while smiling. I went to open the door. " Hey , how are you ", this lady name Bethany said to me as she gave me a hug. Bethany is the lady who im thinking about selling this house to. Anyways she walked over to Tanya while Ottis, her husband, gave me a handshake. " How are you Kenan ", he asked me. " Fine im doing fine. Come on in ", i told him.

After he walked in i closed the door. Then i joined all of them over at the dining table. " So, we heard that you two are still interested in buying this house ", i questioned. Bethany smiled while nodding. " Oh yes, the question is..are you still selling ", Ottis asked. I looked over at Tanya. " Yes, the house is still on the market ", i said.

" Ok cool. How much are you selling for ", he asked while he pick up a potato skin and ate it. I cleared my throat. " Welp, ill say.. About 50 thousand ", i responded. Ottis nearly choked on his food. " 50 Thousand? Oh i was thinking at least 20 ", Bethany said. I looked over at her. " And why did you think that ", Tanya questioned.

Bethany giggled like something was funny. " Oh nothing...its just that this house isn't exactly 50 thousand dollar material ", she replied. Ottis nodded his head. Then they started talking amongst themselves. I turned to Tanya. " Just calm down ", she mouthed to me. I took a deep breath.

" Well im selling at that price so are you interested or .. ", i said while breaking up their little side conversion. Bethany looked at Ottis. He cleared his throat. " Welp, i think we're not interested anymore ", he said. I just stared at him. " So why the sudden change ", Tanya asked them. He kept eating from the little appetizer plate we had sitting out for them. I took it from his reach and sat it on my lap.

He started chuckling. " Well-  because this house is honestly not worth that much ", Ottis said. " Yeah i mean, especially paying that much to you people ", Bethany chimed in. Then they started laughing. This house was kept through centuries. Even though my parents are still alive, they gave me this house to hold on to. This house means so much then what they're trying to make it out like. And i didn't even touch on the fact that they were being racist.

" You know what ? If you're not buying then you can leave ", i said standing up. I walked over to the door then i opened it so they wont think that i was playing. They looked amongst each other. " Why are you still sitting here for ? Bye ", Tanya said. Bethany and Ottis got up and grabbed their things. They walked out of the door then i slammed it behind them.

Tanya walked over to me then hugged me from behind. " Its ok Kenan, we'll just keep looking ", she said. I turned around to face her. " What if we dont find someone to buy ? Before the wedding? ", i asked. She kissed me which calmed me down a little. " Then we'll just stick to this house ok ? Everything is going to be ok ", she responded. I nodded my head. I hope so.



" Ty this feels so good ", i said while putting my hair behind my ear.

I was sitting in a massage chair that was in the mall. I have to make a mental note that i need to buy one of these. " I wish you get up so i can see for myself ", Tyler said. I sucked my teeth then got up. " There, you crybaby ", i said while pushing him.

He pushed me back before he sat down. He had the thing on normal speed. " Aaaah, this is what heaven feels like ", Tyler said. He laid back and closed his eyes.

I walked behind him then i picked up the remote. I pressed on the high speed. He looked like he was having a seizure. I died laughing. " Rrrrr- Oh , iiiiiim not playing, cutttt this shit off ", he said. I busted out laughing.

" Ok hold on ", i said. I cut off the chair then he quickly got up. " You play to fucking much ", he said as he pushed me. I laughed again. " You should've saw your ass ", i said. I started breathing for air. He sucked his teeth then walked off. I ran behind him then i hugged him from behind.

" Aw baby im sorry ", i said with a pout. Not that he can see me anyways. He tried to push my arms away. " Nah get off of me ", Tyler said. I sucked my teeth then let go of him. " You're so sensitive its annoying ", i said. He waved me off. " Since you acting like that then im leaving ", i told him. I started walking away. He pulled my arm which made me turn around.

" You better stop playing ", he said as he pulled me closer to him. I started to smile. " And what's gonna happen if i dont ", i said. He raised his eyebrows with a smirk. " You don't wanna go there with me. You aint gonna be able to handle it ", Tyler responded.

" And what makes you think i can't ", i questioned. He shook his head. " Trust me Ro, ima have you going crazy ", he replied then he winked at me. I rolled my eyes. " Nah nigga ima have you going crazy ", i responded. " Yeah whatever. We just gon wait until that time comes ", he said.

I know im acting like its not a big deal to me but scared. I never had sex before and the only sexual thing I've done was let Tyler go down on me. And i was nervous to do even do that. I really want my first time to be special. Thats why i love Tyler even more. Just because he's not rushing me into having sex or nothing. Even though im not really ready right now, all i know is that i want Tyler to be my first. I wouldn't want anybody else to be in his position.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder while we continued to walk through the mall. As soon as we turned the corner i saw Kaine. He was standing around talking to his friends. I rolled my eyes and then i stopped walking.

Tyler looked down at me. " What's wrong Ro ", he asked me. I was hesitant on whether or not i should tell him that Kaine's here. But that's only going to start drama because he hates Kaine. " Um. Nothing im just ready to go ", i said. Tyler nodded his head. " Aight lets go then ", he said. I felt someone staring at me. I looked over and saw Kaine looking at me. He kept his guilty eyes on me. I looked away as Tyler grabbed my hand.

" You sure you ok ", Tyler asked me as soon as we got outside. I nodded my head. " Yeah im sure ", i responded. He let it go as he opened the door for me. I got in while he went around and got in as well.

" Hey, can we just go somewhere where its just you and me ", i asked him. He looked over at me then he nodded. " Yeah, i know a place ", Tyler responded. He started up the car then we drove off. I just wanted to be with him until the day is over with.


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