Chapter 30

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" Aw man ", i said as i looked at my bike. I got off it and walked my bike back to the front porch. I laid it down then i went inside the house. I heard loud talking and laughter coming from the kitchen. I headed that way and found my parents talking with their friends that lived in the neighborhood.

" What's wrong baby ", Mama asked me. She had worry written over her face. " Its that trash bike ", i told her. She took a deep breath then she pulled me closer to her. " It messed up on you again ", ma asked me. I nodded my head. She looked over at dad. " Hey Shawn, the chain on the bike popped off again ", she told him. Dad shrugged his shoulders. " Ok ill fix it later, tell him to find something else to do ", he said.

I felt myself getting mad but i didn't say anything. All i wanna do is ride my bike. " Honey lets go find something to do ok ", Mama said. She grabbed my hand and led us outside. We walked over to the car and i got inside. Ma looked at me and said " Wait right here, ill be back ok ". I nodded my head then she walked back into the house. A few minutes later she came out and got into the drivers seat.

" How does the park sound ", she asked me. I nodded my head and said " Sounds aight to me ". She smiled her beautiful smile and said " Great lets get going then ".

When we got to the park i walked over to the basketball court. I looked at the other guys dribbling and shooting the ball. I looked back at my mom talking to, i assume, her friend who has a son the same age as me. His name is Brandon and he's cool i guess.

Anyway, he came walking up to me. " Hey Tyler, what you got going on ", He said. I shrugged my shoulders. " Nothing much ", i responded. " But ay do you wanna come with me on the court ", i asked. Brandon looked at me then at the dudes. " And interrupt them? Ill pass ", he said. I sucked my teeth. " Stop being a bitch and come on ", i said. He scoffed and said " I ain't nobody's bitch ", Brandon said. I waved him off. " ill just go myself then ", i said. He tried to stop me but i kept walking.

" Ayo let me play ", i yelled out. They all stopped playing and looking at me. One dude laughed and said " How old are you little man ". " Eight ", i responded. Most of them started snickering. " Well eight year olds can't play ball, go run along ", he said. I begin to look confused when they started laughing. Brandon came and pulled me away. " Lets go Ty ", he said. We both walked away heading towards our moms.

" These dudes were being mean to Tyler ", Brandon told them. My ma pulled me closer to her while she sat on the bench. " What they do to you ", she asked me. I looked down and said " They told me i can't play ball ".

" Well is that what you wanna do ", ma asked me. I nodded my head. " Then do it. Dont ever let anybody take your dream away from you. Especially Dont ever let anybody tell you what you can and can't do. You keep your head held high and keep faith. Keep pushing until you achieve your goal , do you hear me ", my ma told me.
" Baby you ok ", Royal asked me. I looked at her and nodded. She put her hand on the side of my face and begin caressing it. " Im just thinking about my mother that's all ", i told her. Royal grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine.

" I can't imagine what you must be going through right now but i know that you're mom would be proud of you ", she said. I looked away. " What would she be proud of ? I aint do shit for her to be anything but ", i said. " What do you mean? You making something of yourself. That one thing alone is something to be proud of ", Royal said.

I've been thinking about my mama lately. Especially when her anniversary of her passing is today. She's all i can think about. Her words, her wisdom, her strength, and her knowledge to rule the world. She had something no other mom had. She was special.

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