Chapter 28

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Hey guys sorry for not updating lately but today is my birthday 🎊❤

Where all my Libra readers at ? 👀♎

Anyways i hope yall enjoy this chapter ✨


" Keep going baby ", Royal yelled out to me. " You're doing great ", she added.

" Lift up them knees when you running ", Xavier yelled out.

Royal and Xavier are helping me better my game. They had me running suicides on the basketball court in the park. Ive been running them for the pass hour. I slowly started to stop running. I eased my way down to the ground and laid out on the court. I looked up at the sky trying to get my breathing under control.

" Ty are you ok ", Royal asked while walking up to me. I gave her a thumbs up. I was still short of breath. I heard Xavier walking up beside Royal. " I know your back burning laying on that hot ass concrete ", he said. He begin to laugh. I started tuning him and his hyena sounding ass out.

" Do you want to take a break ", Royal asked me. I shook my head. " I think ill be ok if i had somebody here to play me ", i replied. " I need to actually play a game instead of doing all of this shit ", i added. She nodded her head. " Ill be back ", Royal said with a smile. She got up and walked away.

" Get yo ass up Ty ", Xavier said. He threw a pebble at me. " Dramatic ass ", he added. I slowly sat up. " Dont be throwing shit at me ", i told him. Xavier sucked his teeth. " You over here being weak ass fuck. I bet you i can do all this shit ten times better than you ", he said. I stood up and waved him off.

" None of what I do is easy ", i told him. He stared at me. " Whats so hard about dribbling and shooting a ball ", Xavier said. I finally made to the bench. I sat down and begin to relax. " Im untouchable at this shit. You can't play me and expect to win bro ", i said truthfully.

" Is that a challenge i hear ? ", he said. " Nah Its me saving you from embarrassment ", i responded. Xavier walked away. He soon came back with a basketball. He threw the ball at me. " Get up ", he said. I looked at him like he was crazy. " You gotta be joking right now ", i said with a laugh. Xavier walked over and yanked me up by my shirt. " Check me ", he said. I stared at him. I shook my head with a laugh. " Ard Zay, i warned you ", i said.

I followed him to the court. He stood in front of me. I passed him the ball. He passed it back to me. Then i pass him the ball again. " You better play defense, im not bullshitting around ", he told me. I nodded my head.

He begin dribbling the ball so i started playing defense. He tried to go left but i got to him just in time. Still playing defense, i tried to steal the ball from him but that's when he stopped dribbling.
" You can't do that Ty, they're gonna call a foul ", Xavier told me. I shook my head. " That dont make sense to me. Im playing defense right ? So what's the problem ", i said. " You need to let that ball hungry shit go ", he said. I gave him a look. " What the hell is ball hungry ", i asked.

" You too quick to get the ball ", Xavier said. I sucked my teeth. I used the end of my shirt to wipe off my face. " Look all im tryna say is, you needa wait for your opponent to loose control of the ball and then you swoop in and take it ", He continued. " Cause ball hogging aint gonna get you into the NBA. The scouts is gonna look for teamwork in the game ", Xavier added.

" I thought they were looking for the best player on the team ", i questioned. He nodded his head. " Yeah that's important too but its mostly who have good teamwork on the team that's important ", he told me. I nodded my head. " Come on lets get back to the game ", Xavier said. " Ard ", i replied. I stood in front of him again. Ready to play defense. " Remember what i told you ", he said. I nodded my head.

He begin dribbling again. I kept trying to cross him up so he can loose control of the ball. The ball finally left from his hands. I quickly grabbed the ball and dribbled to the bucket. I did a lay up and make it into the basket. I grabbed the ball then i turned around to face Xavier.

" How was that coach ", i asked sarcastically. Xavier nodded his head. " You got that part down but now you gotta work on teamwork ", he responded. I looked around the court. " How im gonna do that if nobody out here to play with ", i questioned.

" Maybe i can help with that ", i looked behind Xavier and saw Royal and Ryan walking up. They was with Darius, Trey, Rashad and Sadie. I gave the ball to Zay and walked over to them. I dapped everybody up then i went and put my arm around Royal's shoulder.

" What yall doing here ", i asked them. " Royal said you need help bro so here we are ", Ryan said. The rest of them nodded their heads. I looked over at Royal. " You know I love you right ?", i said. She smiled and said " Yes i know ", while she moved my arm from around her. " I love you too, Now go practice or whatever with the boys ok ", she said. I nodded my head.

I watched Royal grabbed Sadie's arm and they went walking. Then i felt somebody's arm around me. I looked over and saw that it was Rashad. " Now im not good at basketball so ima keep it a hunnid with you. I can make a basket or two but that's about it ", he told me. I shook my head. " Lets just play bro ", i said.

We walked up to Xavier who was already picking out who he wanted on his team.



" So me and Ryan is getting pretty close ", Sadie told me. We continue to walk through the park. I haven't talked to her in a minute so i wanted to catch up.

" But yall not together right ", i asked in a way. She smiled as she looked down at the ground. " Well...we made it official already ", she replied. I looked at her in shock. " Oh my gosh when ", i asked her. She looked up like she was thinking about it.

" Um probably three days ago ", she said. I slightly pushed her away. " Wow what ", she asked with a laugh. " Why didn't you tell me ", i asked. Sadie shrugged her shoulders. " I don't know but i promise you're the first person im telling this too ", she responded. " Aw i feel special ", i said as i put my hand on my chest. Sadie sucked her teeth. " Shut up ", she said. Then we both laughed.

" But on the real, i haven't told anybody else ", she said. " So Sienna doesn't know ", i asked. She shook her head. " Girl my mama dont even know and you know she'll be ecstatic ", Sadie said. I laughed then shook my head.

" Speaking of Sienna, did you talked to her lately ", Sadie asked me. I shook my head. " I mean the last time i talked to her was last week,what about you ", i responded. Sadie shrugged her shoulders. " I talked to her around the same time ", she replied. " Aw i feel like the most shitiest friend ever ", She added. " Me too, ive been caught up with my own stuff that i didn't find time for her ", i said. Sadie nodded her head.

My phone begin going off signaling that someone was calling me. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and looked to see who it was. It was Sienna.

" Hello, is everything ok ", i asked as soon as i answered the phone.

" Can you come over, its about Brandon ", she said.

" Yeah sure, im coming over now ", i replied.

After we hanged up with each other i looked over at Sadie. " Whats going on ", she asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. " I don't know but we needa go over to see her now ", i said. We begin walking towards the parking lot where my car that my dad bought me was sitting at.


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