Chapter 32

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Announcer says in the distance*
" Thank you guys for coming out tonight.."

" Put these in the corner "

" I need you to cooperate honey "

" I cant do this "
* random girl starts crying *

Its been twenty minutes and the other competitors have been going crazy. Looking around backstage you'd think somebody was shooting up the place. Girls were running around throwing clothes everywhere. The boys who were participating were screaming at their models. The coaches were even in a frenzy. Sadie, Faith and I just stood there in the middle of the room and watched the chaos that was occurring around us.

You're probably thinking why Faith's here. Truth be told she was the only one of age that i knew that can walk for me in this show. But now i instantly regret it because all she's been doing is complaining.

" Ugh, this is so trifling and ghetto ", Faith said. Sadie gave her a look then she rolled her eyes. " I mean why are you associating yourself with this mess ", Faith continued. I ignored her and walked to my spot. I hung the clothes i made onto the rack one by one. Faith was still rambling on and on behind me.

" I mean lets be honest, if people saw you.. Let alone myself around this..this mess, our family's name would be destroyed in this town ", Faith said. I kept ignoring her like i always do when she talks like that. " Girl can you please shut the hell up ", Sadie eventually said. Faith almost broke her neck at how fast she looked at Sadie.

" First of all my name is Faith not girl and second of all, was anyone talking to you ? "

" I dont care what you're name is. You're annoying as fuck "

Faith walked up to Sadie as she pointed her finger at her.

" I think you need to slow your roll. Just because you're dating my soon to be step cousin doesn't mean you can run your mouth to me- "

Sadie smacked her hand away. Then she stood up from the stool.

" Royal you better get this hoe before i drag her- "

" Hoe? Ill have you know that ive only had one boyfriend in my entire lifetime and whom im still with. I bet you can't say the same for yourself ", Faith said followed by laughter. I walked up and stood in between them.

" Hey we're not finna do this today. We got bigger things that we need to be worried about "

" Well tell her to shut up and i wont say nothing ", Sadie said. I walked over to the rack and pulled out the two outfits that they'll wear in round one. I handed one to Faith.

" Here put this on for me please "

" Fine, i don't want to talk to that ghetto trash anyway ", she said. Sadie tried to charge at her until  i held her back. Then i gave her the other outfit.

" Go over there and put this on for me "

" Aight fine "

After i gave her a hug she went to go put on the fit. I took a look around at everyone else. The number one thing that i noticed was that they had way more models than me. They had about four or five while i stood with two. I couldn't go out like that. Ill have to think of something because the way that it's looking im not going show all the designs i made for the first round because i dont have enough people.

" Stalker much ? What ? Are you trying to steal our designs ? "

I looked over and saw Cami standing their with his snobby smirk on his face. His real name is Cameron but people call him Cami for short. I dont really know him because we've only been around each other whenever we have these competitions or rehearsals of the show. Which isnt that often because we've only had two competitions so far. Im just glad this is our last one so i won't have to see his face again.

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