Chapter 25

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I got into the limo my uncle Frank gave me straight feeling myself. After dusting off my shoes I gave the driver the green light to pull out.

After 20 minutes we got to Tori's house. I got out and walked up to the door. I knocked on the door waiting for her to open it. I can hear the door being unlocked. The door swung open with her dad in the doorway. He looked me up and down then he cleared his throat.

" You must be Tyler, you taking my daughter to prom ? ", he questioned me.

" Yeah...", i responded. He nodded his head.

" I dont want any funny business tonight. You take her to prom, have fun, and then you bring her straight back, understand ? ", he said. Yeah right, like im gonna listen to this nigga.

He didn't even let me responded as he went back into the house. The door was still opened so i walked inside. I saw her mom standing there with her phone. She looked over at me then smiled.

" Hey Tyler you look so handsome ", she said then gave me a hug. I pulled away with a small smile.

" Thanks ", i responded. Just then, Tori came walking downstairs. Once she got to where i was she gave me a tight hug. " Hey babe you look good ", she said with a smile.

" No you look good, damn ", i responded. I turned her all the way around until she faced me again then she leaned over and kissed me. The dad let out a frustrated sigh.

" Aw...ok lets go ahead and take these pictures ", her mom said. We both stood beside each other while Tori's mom took our pictures. After, we walked outside to the limo.

" Tyler no you didn't ", Tori squealed. I smiled as i wrapped my arm around her.

" This all for you baby ", i told her. She kissed me and then opened the car door. I held the door open as i watched her get in. I hopped in right after then i closed the door.

Giving the driver the go-ahead, he nodded his head and drove off. Heading to prom.


Once we pulled up to the building the prom was held at, the driver got out and went to our door and opened it for us. I thanked him then i took Tori's hand into mine.

Everyone was looking at us the whole time we made our way into the prom. Tori looked over at me with a huge smile.

We finally made it inside the dance and it was packed. I mean i expected that, its prom. I looked around to see if i see Brandon or Ryan anywhere. I looked over and saw Sienna standing at the food table by herself.

" Hey ima be right back aight ", i told Tori. She nodded her head.

" Dont be gone too long ", she said with a smile. She walked off heading to where Delayah was. I begin walking over to Sienna.

As soon as i got over to where she's at, i leaned on the table and looked at her. She suddenly stopped eating her cupcake.

" look i dont know who you is but i got a man ", she said while looking straight ahead. I sucked my teeth.

" Man Si its me Tyler ", i said. She looked over at me then sucked her teeth.

" What do you want ?", she questioned me. I stood up and looked around.

" What, i can't come say wassup now ?", i questioned back. She rolled her eyes.

" If you looking for Royal she's not here yet ", Sienna said.

" Who said i was looking for her? Im actually looking for Brandon ", i said. She looked over and motioned her head to that direction.

" He's over there with them niggas ", she said. I nodded my head.

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