Chapter 16

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We finally got to the prison facility. I held Royal's hand as we made our way inside. After us and my uncle went through the checking process, they led us into the visiting area.

" You ready ", Royal whispered to me. I nodded my head. My uncle kept fixing his watch not really paying attention to us. A few minutes later the door opened which caused us to look over. There goes my dad in hand cuffs being escorted out by officers. My uncle stood up but i kept sitting down.

After dad got uncuffed, he walked over to us. He hugged Frank then they pulled away. " How you've been Shawn, you good ?", he asked him. " Yeah im good just counting down the days ", dad responded. Frank moved to the side so dad can see me fully.

He had shook written on his face. " Son..wh-what. Frank you brought him ", he asked. Frank nodded his head. Dad begin walking up to me which caused me to stand up. He stopped walking and just stood there.

" Lets talk Tyler ", he said. I nodded my head. Royal and Frank walked away leaving us too alone. Dad sat down gesturing me to sit as well. After i sat down he cleared his throat.

" I wanted to tell you for the longest about how sorry i am. I failed you as a father. Im no different from my dad. I should've been there for you. I should've been there for you when Aria died. But instead i left. I left like a coward and didn't even take your feelings into consideration. You probably don't believe me when i say this but ive been thinking about you everyday since ive been in here. Wondering what you were doing. How you're doing. Were you ok. All the above ", he said. I cleared my throat.

" Dad, why did you leave ? What reason did you have ? When mom died i had to grief on my own. I still am til this day. You haven't been a father to me my whole life. We don't have no type of relationship. I thought that was gonna change after mom died but i thought wrong ", i said. He took a deep breath.

" You know, every since i was 13 and up until now ive been going to see mama. Ive been telling her things that goes on with my life. Even though she can't heard me, i know that she's listening. I even brought Royal to go see her. Royal is the girl that came with us today. She's my girl. Been for a few months now but ive known her way before then. She's the one that convinced me to come talk to you because i wasn't gonna come. But i just want you to tell me why you left ", i finished off saying.

He rubbed his face with his hands. Then he took a deep breath.

" You really wanna know why ? There were two reasons why i left. One of them was because i couldn't face the fact that you're mother was gone. I've tooken her for granted and til this day i beat myself up for it. She deserved better ", he responded.

" What's the other reason ", i asked him.

" I uhh.. I found out that i had kids. One's a girl the other's a boy. They're both from different women. Thats why i haven't been home or anything like that. Once i found out your mom was sick it was just too much on me. So i started cheating on her to ease my mind but things got carry away ", he replied. I didn't say anything as i sat there.

I knew it was a reason why he was gone all the time but i wouldn't have expected that.

" So whats their names "

" Erin and Isaiah. Erin, she's 16 and Isaiah's 20 ", he said. I looked over at him. " 20 ? ", i questioned him. He nodded. " So you were cheating on mama for awhile then ", i said. He took a deep breath.

" Like i said she deserved better. Im so ashamed about my actions. Im sorry Tyler. Im sorry ive disappointed you in every way possible. I know you're confused and hurt right now but i hope that we can move on and become family again ", dad said. I looked down at the ground.

Ive just found out that i have two siblings that i never met yet. But i guess i got all the answers i needed and then some. Im willing to move pass it but only because i know that ma would've wanted us to get along with each other.

" I forgive you but its gonna take some time for me to fully come around "

" That's ok, im just glad that you accepted my apology. I really am sorry ", he said. It was silence for a while then he cleared his throat.

" So ive been seeing you on tv playing ball ", dad said then he laughed small. I nodded my head.

" Yeah, Frank taught me how to play when i was 10 and ive been playing every since ", i responded.

" Well im very proud of you. I just wish i could watch your games instead of seeing clips on the news ", he said then we laughed small. " Yeah that would be nice i guess ", i responded. " Son just tell me that you're not gonna give up on basketball. I want you to be better then me ", he said. " You have my word ", i told him. He nodded his head.

Frank and Royal came back over to us.

" Well Shawn i guess we better get going ", Frank said.

The guards started to walk over to us. " Alright then see you guys later ", dad said. " Tyler remember what i said ok ", he said. I nodded my head. The officers handcuffed him then escorted him back to where he came from.

" You ok ", Royal asked me. I nodded my head. " Yeah im straight ", i responded. Frank put his arm around my shoulder.

" Yall ready ", he asked us. We nodded then he led the way out.


Sorry guys this chapter was the shortest chapter i ever written 😂 but yeah i hope yall enjoyed the chapter.

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