1. Its just a little blood (Edited)

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Image: Amanda Pratt

Amanda's POV :

I was a nobody. I was a shadow amongst others. I didn't have many friends or anything in high school but after high school, they all began to like me. No one was anyone in the real world. You were just a normal person. The mean girls turned into women working at the car washes or cafes, and the nerds probably went to college to actually become something. I already had a job but besides that, I didn't really have anything to do besides getting out of my parent's house and get a roommate. Everything was working out perfectly. I had talked with one of my friends from school, rented out a place and got to work unpacking.
After everything was sorted,she began going to work full time so I never got to see her.I kind of liked having the house all to myself sometimes. It was relaxing to be able to sit back and read a book once in a while without interruptions. The only thing that would bother me was our only neighbor on our lonely street. I haven't met the person yet but almost every night you either heard yelling or loud banging music that shook my house. Tonight of all nights was the worst because I just had hung up the phone with my crazy mom and was annoyed with so much anger running through my blood I decided to take a visit.

Only one car was outside of this persons house. It was a red mustang convertible which was undeniably, sexy. Ignoring the car that my eyes kept focusing on, I started to sprint up to the house when I fell on the ground. I didn't see bricks lining the walkway but I definitely felt my toe which just hit them. I bit my lip holding back my pain and then shook it off and continued my mission. I got to the door and thought if I should be rude or not, whoever this is, do they really deserve the devil me coming out and tearing them a new one?
I banged on the door and waited patiently for my neighbor. I focused on the chirping of the crickets and the muffled shuffle of feet as I try to keep my focus off the pain and now swelling in my toe. Abruptly, the door slung open as I'm met with a pair of golden eyes. This mystery person standing before me ended up to be a man, a damn fine one at that. As he was watching me, I couldn't help but admire his perfect shirtless body. Scanning every inch of it into my curious mind as my thoughts began to wonder. His annoyed sigh caught me off guard as I shot my eyes back up to his.

"I'm sorry, can you keep the music down? I'm trying to read." I say quite annoyed with myself. I let my new neighbor catch me checking him out, I felt like an idiot and his silence didn't lighten my embarrassment so I turned on my heels and started limping away when he finally spoke.

"You're hurt," His concerned words didn't feel like a question but I was too hypnotized by his strong, deep voice to notice.

"I'll be fine. I just stubbed my toe." I said with a chuckle. I pulled back my brown hair to get a better look at this man. He was quite handsome with his enchanting eyes and sharp jawline. My thoughts were interrupted by him again.

"You're bleeding. Come inside so I can help." He caught me off guard as he reached out, making a walkway for me to enter his home. I'm not usually the person to be invited inside someone's house especially if it was someone who looked like him so i was caught of guard but I nodded and followed him inside his house. It was pretty nice and bigger compared to my place. The living room had beautiful cream-colored walls and white floors to match. I followed him into the kitchen and sat on a barstool while he went through a drawer, pulling out bandaids and Neosporin. He showed me to the living room where I got comfy and watched as he dressed my wound.

"Thank you," i finally spoke up but only got a slight nod.

"I'm Dylan, Dylan Harper, you?" He spoke while finishing on my foot. I never expected to even be invited into his house but now were acting buddy-buddy when i was pissed at this stranger 10 minutes ago.

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