2. I should have known you were different (Edited)

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Image: Dylan Harper

Amanda's POV :

Once I turned ten, I stopped being able to remember my dreams. I was always falling asleep, wake up, and not remember anything but last night was the difference. My dream felt real, he was there, Dylan was there and he made me feel something I had never felt before. Even if it was a dream, I could still feel my neck and the pulsing going through it, through the marks he left in my dream but they weren't there when I woke up. I could feel the wetness coming from between my legs, as if the pleasure was actually real.


"Good morning," I say with a yawn as I met a half-asleep Christen making eggs and ham for breakfast.

"Morning. How did you sleep? You sounded like you were having fun." She winked at me and I knew exactly what she was talking about. I guess the moans in my sleep were coming out in real life as well.

"Good! I had an amazing dream if that's what you meant by fun." I said with a slight blush. I didn't want to tell her but I knew it was coming. There was no hiding from that detective.

"Dream about what? Was it the gardener or maybe Mr. Billionaire that's been all over the news?" Our gardener, who is hot but nowhere near as good looking as Dylan and  I had no clue about who she was talking about on tv. I never really watched tv. I would rather read or cook or anything besides sit down and fry my brain with dumb cartoons and mindless tv shows.

"Neither actually. Dylan was in it and let me add he was jaw-dropping." I gave her a smirk while taking the food she just put on a plate for me and throwing it into my mouth.

"Well, I'm gonna need more details than that and also isn't he already jaw-dropping." She arched her eyebrow at me and laughed as I smirked at her again. I didn't want her thinking I was weirder than I already was so I decided to end the conversation.

"I can't remember much about it. Only that he was there." I said with a shrug as I stuffed more eggs into my mouth. I finished breakfast and decided that I'm not going to let the neighbor slip out of my hands. I want to get to know him and if he ends up being a total douche, then I'll cut him off.

So I made my way back to the room and pulled out my phone. The first ring, second ring, third ring and then his voice.

"Hello?" He must have just woken up. I could tell by the grogginess and raspiness in his tone. All I could think about was what he was doing right now. Was he with that girl or was he alone? It's none of my business honestly but it does make my mind wonder.

"Um uh hi. I'm sorry if I woke you." I really didn't mean to wake him but it was almost noon so I didn't think he was still asleep. I'm already a late sleeper so I don't expect him to be the same.

"Oh, it's the girl from next door that was talking about me last night." His voice turned from half-awake to cocky just by my voice. His cockiness made him even sexier and I don't know why. I wasn't usually attracted to the cocky type but he seemed...different.

"Yeah about that...." I had begun to speak but was stopped by his laughing.

"Just come on over and we'll talk about it over coffee." I was invited over again! My world was being flipped from the nobody to a somebody. This is all so strange but it makes me happy at the same time.

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