12. Pureblood

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Amanda's POV :

I could tell Blake was thinking hard about my words by the way he rests his head in his hands and doesn't say anything to me. I guess my words really hit him hard.

"Why don't you want to be a vampire?" He asks meeting my gaze once again. I didn't really know why I didn't want to be one, all I know is I like my life as a human.

"Honestly I like being a human. I don't want to have super fast speed or be able to control people with my brain. I want to have a normal life and again I don't think I could ever hurt someone even if it was for me to survive," I say looking down at my hands so I didn't have to look at his stupid face anymore. This mans words were really making my blood boil. How could he be so rude to someone he doesn't even know.

"But wouldn't it be amazing to not be able to die? You would be practically immortal," he says while clearing his throat.

"Yeah it would be amazing to be able to live forever but then again I like my life. I like going to work and then eating a burger after. I like being able to hang out with my best friend and not want to rip into her throat," I say rubbing my hands on my pants again. He began chewing his lips but kept his eyes on me.

"You could change your name but that won't last long, people would find about you either way. The only reason I'm going to help you is because I can tell you don't want to be a vampire. If anyone found out what you were they would either drink you dry, or they would change you. I know you don't want that and I don't want to have to kill you so, this is what I'm going to do," he pauses for a minute while grabbing some papers from his desk.

I watch him while he looks over them and begins to chew his lip again. "Im going to cast a spell on you and make it to where no one will know about you unless you open your mouth about it. This should ensure you are safe and if people find out then that's your own fault. But for now I want to get to know you on a personal level, I want to make sure I'm making the right decision about helping a pure blood," he huffs out. I couldn't help but smile. Finally things were looking up for me and I didn't have to worry about being killed.

"Thank you," I said but before I could say anything more he interrupts me.

"Don't thank me yet. I haven't made my final decision. How old are you?" He questions while letting his eyes wander down to my body again.

I cross my arms over my chest and he notices I've caught him checking me out. He leans back in his chair and a grin crawls its way into his lips.

"I'm twenty," I almost bark out. I didn't like his eyes anywhere but on my own but I knew not to say anything because what if he says no to helping me.

"How do you know Dylan?" He rubs his hand over his jaw as his grin fades away.

"Next door neighbor," I didn't understand how these questions would help him make his decision but if they were all like this then I'm sure he'll help me.

"Who are your parents? Are they vampires? Are you still in contact with them?" He fires questions off like a machine gun and I honestly couldn't keep up.

"They passed away and I was adopted," I whisper. It is hard thinking about it. I didn't really know them but it was still sad and disappointing.

"I'm sorry to hear that," his eyes went soft but not for long. "Were you ever in contact with them?"

I pull my hair back and meet his hard gaze," Not with my parents but I have met my aunt. She's human and owns a cafe."

He stood up in his desk and offers me his hand. I take it and follow him into a back room. The room was a small library with a few desks and a women at the front. Her eyes bolt to us and a smile creeps across her face.

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