3. What are you? (Edited)

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Image: Christen Page

Amanda's POV :

I looked out my window once I got home. It had a clear view of Dylan's front yard. I usually don't stare for a long time. I would read a book and let the cool wind hit my face as I went over every intricate word but today was different. The women from the other night had just left his house and a minute later he walked outside. She was gone, but he was staring out at the tree that she had parked by. His stare showed anger but I didn't know why. Was he mad she had left or was it something else? He paced around his front yard and finally stopped at his car. He grabbed the rim and completely lifted it off the ground. He stopped before it was completely in the air and set it back down. He walked to his garage and punched it leaving a huge dent in it.

I didn't understand what I was seeing. There was no possible way a normal person could lift a car up and put such a dent into a garage. How was it possible. I had to know but before I could I had to do research. I don't know what I would research but I had to do something. Was it drugs? Maybe I'm just hallucinating. Is this even possible?

I marched to my bed and opened my laptop. I typed in superhuman strength and didn't find anything useful. I took a minute and thought, Had my mind been telling me something and I just can't see it?  I throw up my hair and began typing, "Superhuman strength and bite marks." All that showed was demonic possession. I decided to put the computer away and go ask him myself. I didn't know what would happen and if he was possessed or something so I brought my cross neckless. If he was possessed then a cross would work... right?

I knocked on his door and didn't know what to expect. Would he be his slick self or be mad and attack me. All my thoughts left as he opened the door and his smile caught me by surprise. Disregarding his sexy smile and amazing eyes I pushed through the door. He followed me as I marched over to the couch.

"I want answers," I bark, pushing my head against the amazingly soft couch. He stood in front of me with his hands crossed in a defensive stance. I'd love to see him angrily shoving my face into a pillow while- I cut myself off.

"First I'm going to need answers on why you just barged into my house." He said flashing a cocky smile.

"I saw you, Outside. You lifted up a car! W-what are you? A-are you possessed? Are you doing some type of drug like flaka?" I grasped at my cross that was dangling from my neck and waited for a response.

"Possessed? Ha, that's insane. I was just mad." He said with a shrug taking the seat next to me. I knew there was something going on. I wasn't about to be persuaded so easily.

"Are you on flaka? That's the only type of drug that makes you like that..." I ask, scooting away from him.

"Flaka, also makes you act insane. Do I look like I'm going crazy right now?" He asks while hinting to his very calm self.

"It's not humanly possible to do what you did. I want the truth!" I was shouting now and could tell that pissed him off. He pulled me on top of him and looked me straight in the eye.

"You're going to forget what you saw." His eyes turned cold and pupils widened as he said this.

"No, I'm not", i state pushing myself out of his grasp and back into my seat. "Whatever game you're playing with me, trying to seduce me into doing exactly what you say isn't going to work." I could see the shock in his eyes. He must have never gotten a no before.

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