7. The Kiss (Edited)

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Amanda's POV :

Once we were back to the hotel room I took a nap. Today was exhausting and I needed time to think but of course, I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to Dylan and Glen arguing about something in front of the bed. I sat up and groaned at them but didn't get a response.

"What are y'all going on about now?" I asked pulling the hair away from my face.

"Glen says he needs to drink some of your blood and then mine to see if it tastes like a vampires blood." I had never let anyone else drink from me and it kinda scared me even thinking about it but I know it will be for a good reason.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Give your blood." I bark at Dylan. A slight smile came to Glen's cheek when I agreed with him. Dylan gave him his wrist with a huff. Glen bit down and I could see some blood escape his mouth. He stopped and took a deep breath. It was my turn but I was terrified. What would it feel like from another person besides Dylan? I put out my wrist and he stared at me.

"I'm gonna need your neck." He stated but Dylan wasn't having that. He got between me and Glen and pushed my wrist to Glen's mouth.

"It's this or nothing." With those words, I felt spikes going into my skin. It felt good when Dylan did it but with Glen, it was like he was tearing at my skin. He paused for a second and then let go of my wrist.

"There is definitely something there." He spoke and I could see how infuriated Dylan was. I knew he didn't like that someone else fed from me.

"Yeah, It's obvious that there is something there. The question is what?" Dylan sat on the bed next to me as he pulls me close to him. A confused look went across Glen's face as he looked back at me.

"I'll be back. I need to go do some research and figure this out. For now, you guys just go home and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Just like that, he left so fast it was hard to keep up with his movements.

Once the room was empty besides me and Dylan I decided it was time to crack open a book. I sorted through my bag until I had touched the black casing that covered it. Dylan watched my every move which made me a little self conscious but I ignored it. I laid back down on the bed and got through a chapter before Dylan chimed in.

"What are you reading?" He said caressing my arm, leaving goosebumps. I got excited because usually, people don't ask me what I'm reading. Not a lot of people are into book, no matter the genre.

"It's a book about a spy who falls in love with a gang leader and has to decide to either lose her job or lose the one person she truly cares about," I said trying to calm myself from his spark of interest.

"So a romance novel?" He spoke and rolled his eyes.

"It's more than that. It's mystery and..." I began but Dylan interjects.

"It's about love so it's a romance novel. How about instead of reading about romance you go out and find some." He blurted keeping his eyes on mine. I watch as he slowly licks his lips while looking back at me, sending a slight shudder down my spine.

"Right now I'm focused on my bloodline and if I have a vampire in me, also I kinda can't find romance when I'm tied to someone by a bond that I don't understand." I wanted to tell him that I had already found the romance I want, that I was so attracted to him that it hurt to not be kissing him right now but of course I made up some dumb excuse so I wouldn't be rejected. My fear was really getting in the way.

"We'll get this figured out. If you do end up being a vampire, what will you do?" He said while wrapping his arm around my lower back.

I never really thought about what I would do if it were true. If I were a vampire so I just end up saying,"I don't know." My words came out a whisper when I didn't want them to. I went back to reading my book and then my brain filled with curiosity again. "What's up with vampires eyes?"

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