21. Kiss me again

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Image: Diego Montana
(Imagine He has golden eyes)

Dylan's POV:

I roll off of Amanda and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and take of my sweaty clothes as I step in. The water cascades down my body as I stand under the shower head.

Familiar hands wrap around my body as a small naked figure presses against my back. Her hands lay on my torso and rubs small circles in my chest. Amanda kisses in between my shoulder blades as her hands travel lower, down to the bottom of my bellybutton.

I turn around and gaze into her beautiful eyes that are looking back into mine. I tilt her head up a little more and place a kiss on her forehead and then her nose. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Kiss me again," She says as the warm water sprays her chest and travels down her body.

I lean down and kiss her lips and trail my tongue down to her neck. I can hear a soft moan escape her mouth as I continue to kiss and nibble her neck. I bite down a little harder on her neck making a louder moan escape her and blood trickle down her front.

I take a step back and watch as the blood cascades down her breasts to her thigh with the water. Her eyes are studying my face like she's never seen me before.

"What?" I ask while holding her face in my hand.

She shakes her head and snuggles into my hand.

"I'm just so lucky to have you," she says while placing her hand over mine.

We ended up washing each other while showering on our last day at Blake's place. We take our time getting ready and packing our bags while listening to whatever is playing out of Amanda's phone.

She's slowly folding clothes while moving her hips to the music. I take a step back and watch her as she continues to dance and hum to the song.

She's perfect and I don't know how I was able to get her. I love the way she walks, talks, dances, sings, laughs, just everything. She drives me crazy and every time I look at her, my heart skips a beat.

A loud bang echoes through the room and I immediately run to Amanda and shield her from whatever is about to happen. Her expression is pure fear and her body shakes a little. I look at the door and see it's off the hinges and in a mans hands.

"Who the fuck are you!" I shout out and rub my fingers in Amanda's back.

The door is dropped and Max from the coven is standing there. His lips are turned into a mischievous grin as his eyes are concentrated on Amanda.

"Surprise," he says lowly while launching off the ground and running toward us. No, toward Amanda.

On instinct, I push Amanda away from me and grab hold of Max before he could even lay a finger on her. His facial expression turns to shock as my hold tightens and launches him across the room.

He hits the wall but quickly recovers with the same sadistic smile playing on his lips. Amanda is laying on the ground, paralyzed by shock, as more men enter the room.

"What is the meaning of this?" I growl out as they inch closer.

"You lied to the coven and didn't think that anything would happen?" Max laughs and clenches his fists.

"I have never lied to the coven," I state but his creepy smile doesn't faultier.

"You're coming with us," he growls at me and takes a step towards Amanda, "And so is she."

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