26. Hunters

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Amanda's POV:

Every step I took, my heart dropped even more. We were going deeper into the house, into areas I've never been before. Each door held a new prison and I knew this is where I would be soon.

I wish I had the chance to tell my family and Friends  how much I care about them. I don't think I'll be able to tell them again. I feel as if my days have come to an end, this is it for me.

I let my mind drift to all the memories I've had with my friends and family. How much all of this is going to affect me and them. I could have never found out about my bloodline and ended up having children and doing all the shit I looked forward to but I can't imagine myself without Dylan.

I'm sorry I couldn't be a better daughter, mom and dad. I should have visited more. I should have went to college. I should have found a good job and had kids. I should have done so much and I'm sorry that this is happening. I'm sorry that soon you won't have a daughter. Soon you will be wondering, 'what happened to Amanda?' You'll probably end up setting up flyers but I already know that that isn't going to help.

I'm sorry Christen. I should have texted you more and not kept so many secrets from you. I still regret that you had to find out about vampires by being attacked. I should have warned you so maybe you could have been a little safer. I should have told you everything once I found out about it. I feel so selfish that I never told you anything.

I'm sorry Riki. I treated you like shit from the first day we met and that was wrong of me. I hope that you are able to live a free life sometime soon and forget about the vampires that have tortured you for so long. I hope that you find a man and have children together and live a happy life.

I'm sorry Blake. I don't know about your past with Dylan or anything but I hope the best for you. You helped us out in our time of need and that was very helpful. I hope you and Reign get together and raise her child. I can see in your eyes and hers that y'all care about her a lot. I wish you guys the best.

I'm sorry Delilah and Glen. If it wasn't for me, Dylan wouldn't be in this mess. If I were to have never gone over to his house, if I were to ignore the loud music and moaning and just go on with life, he would have never known about me and would have never fallen in love with me. He wouldn't be hurting right now if he never met me. God I wish he had never met me.

I'm sorry Dylan. This is all my fault. I should have kept you out of this but my heart wouldn't let me. After I met you my whole world changed and so did yours but that also led to us being here, stuck in this house of monsters, who only want to hurt us. I should have just killed myself once I found out what I was. You wouldn't be hurting if I did and you would just end up moving on with life. It's all my fault that you are in this mess. I just hope you understand that with me sacrificing my life, you will be able to live a much better one. I'm also sorry for falling so deeply in love with you. Maybe if I kept my distance you would forget about me but I followed my heart. I wanted to be beside you throughout everything. I should have just stayed home and ignored the noise. Maybe then you wouldn't be in this situation, hurting so much for me. Maybe you wouldn't be in love with me.

"This is where you will be staying while the trial is in session. I would get comfortable," Diego says, ripping me out of my apology's to everyone that is in my life.

I walk inside and the door shuts behind me. I'm left in darkness with only a small sliver of light coming from underneath the door. Regret hits me and pulls me back into my thoughts.

Please forgive me everyone. I wish I did better.


Dads pov:

"The ham is almost done honey!" I call to my wife while setting the steamy delight that I just cooked.

Kim has been worried about Amanda. We've been nonstop calling her but we haven't gotten a reply yet. I dread that the worst has happened.

"She still hasn't answered the phone. Do you think that she accidentally broke her phone?" She asks while taking a seat beside me.

"Anything could have happened," I say in a serious tone.

"But what if it's-" she begins but I stop her by putting my finger up.

"Don't think that way," I say, trying to soothe her.

We start eating and watch the news to see if anything comes up about horrible weather or anything that could have happened to her. I turn the channel to the next news station and catch a glimpse of the multimillionaire that Amanda was seen with not long ago.

"Have you heard the latest news on the new bachelor, Blake?" The women says through the TV.

I can see Kim immediately tense up as she recognizes his face from the picture that were taken of Amanda and him together. My wife was right.

"Well he has recently donated ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars to an unknown source and when he was asked where this large donation was sent he just turned away and didn't say anything to our cast," the women says and continues babbling on.

I can tell Kim is getting more suspicious as the women continues to talk about Blake's donation. Her eyes dart over to me and I already know what she's about to say.

"I know we have left that lifestyle behind but do you think that-" she begins but I cut her off.

"It's a possibility," I respond.

"Do we still have our gear?" She asks and gets up and takes both our finished plates.

"Yes but if they have her, they probably found out already. She may already be dead," I say with disappointment in my tone.

"We have to save her," she explains.

"We're already to late. Plus what would we do? There is only two of us. The rest of the team have gone on with their lives. We would be killed on site," I fire back.

"We can find a new team. We can have them help us," she says, walking back towards me.

"You know how hunters are. They have to trust us and even then it doesn't always work out. Teams are family by blood, they won't just help out. They will think it's a trap," I explain.

Her shoulders slump in disappointment as she sits next to me and puts her head on my shoulder. A soft sigh exits her lips.

"We need to do something," she says in a broken voice.

"There is nothing we can do. We're a two man team against a 30 maybe 50 man army," I finish.

Info down below

So this is a very short chapter. With only 1238 words but it's only because the end is coming! Soon we will see what happens to Amanda and Dylan.

Btw: Did y'all see that I added book one to the name of this book. Guess what that means...
Ding ding ding 🛎
You're right! I will be making another book so be ready! I already have the first chapter wrote so soon after I'm done I'll be posting that chapter.

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