6. Killed when young (Edited)

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Image: Glen Carpender

Amanda's POV :

"I don't want to die," I whispered back to him. He caught my face in his hand and kissed my forehead gently.

"I won't let anyone touch you and if you want to find your family then I can't stop you from doing that but I want to be here with you." He pointed his golden eyes right at mine.

"Can we stop arguing now! I've missed you." I said. Before I could notice he collapsed on top of me. At first, I thought he was playing so I began to push him off. His body hit the floor and he was lifeless. I didn't understand what was happening and if he was playing but before I could check his eyes opened.

"I'm sorry. This happens sometimes." He said closing his eyes again. I could tell he felt out of it.

"What's happening to you? Are you dehydrated?" I asked while pushing his hair off his forehead and checking his temperature.

"When a vampire is starving they begin to do this within the first few days after about a week they will decompose and turn rabid." He pushed himself off the ground and stumbled onto the bed. Immediately, I push my back against his chest.

"You can feed from me. I don't want you hurting like this." I whispered while pulling my hair so he could get a view of my neck.

He hesitates for a second before a grunt escapes his lips. His arms wrapped around my chest and stomach as his fangs sank into the flesh on my neck. I grabbed at the sheets as the feeling of ecstasy washes over me and that's when his hands start moving on their own as well. Grabbing on my chest and thighs, sending waves of pleasure all over my body.

He thankfully stopped before I got lightheaded. Letting me roll over onto my stomach and turn my head to face him. He was looking up at the ceiling with fangs out. I reached up as curiosity took control of me and touch his mouth and teeth. He smiled and grabbed my hand lightly.

"My kin will be coming tomorrow. He can figure out what you are." He said locking fingers with me and turning to face me.

"Kin? As in related?" I ask as curiosity clouds my brain.

"No my kin are people I raised as if they were family. People like Delilah," he adds before tucking my hair behind my ear.

"How many vampires are there in the world?" I asked. This question has been eating me up since I met him.

"More than I can count. Let's just say you've seen some while you've been with me. When we were at dinner, our waitress was a vampire." Honestly, I could have guessed that.

"What would you do if I was a vampire, like you?" I asked very curious to hear his answer.

"It wouldn't matter. I would care for you every step of the way." He said grabbing me and pulling me closer.

"Is it hard to control it," I asked snuggling into his strong chest.

"It's very hard. The hunger will control you until you learn to control it." He said with a sigh. I drifted off to sleep and when I woke I was met with the eyes of someone new. His eyes were golden just like Dylan's but duller.

He was very boy-like and had black hair that shielded his forehead. He was studying me and Dylan was gone. I sprung up from the bed and grabbed for the lamp.

"Who are you?" I shouted getting to the other side of the bed as far away from him as I could get. Before I knew it Dylan was in front of me shielding me from the intruder.

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