17. Dont trust him

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Image: Max Ryder

Dylan's POV:

The whole room erupts into laughter as Max pulls Riki to his side. I almost flinch at his aggressiveness towards her.

"You want this?" He laughs at me.

"What's wrong with that?" I hiss at him. He chuckles once again at me.

"She's just a piece of meat. Only good for fucking and food," he barks at me while pulling Riki closer to him.

"That's exactly why I want her," I say while looking at the frightened Riki.

"I guess you've been doing very good with entertaining this vamp, haven't you?" He asks Riki. She nods her head and keeps her eyes on her feet.

"Yes master," she says in a hushed tone.

"Do you want to be with a different master?" He says while pulling on her hair so she would be forced to look at him.

"Yes master," she says while wincing at the clump of hair in Max's hand.

"Oh well," he says while pushing her into my arms. "Don't come running back to me if he treats you worse," he hisses and leaves the room.

I could tell she was exhausted and couldn't stand for much longer so I pick her up and bring her to the room. I lay her worn body on my bed and cover her up with a blanket.

"Thank you," she mutters to me while I take the collar off her neck.

"Don't worry about it. Just rest, you're safe now," I say to her.


Amanda's POV :

I was restless the whole night. My mind keeps going back to Dylan and thinking about how lonely my bed is without him.

I wish he was here right now. I hope he's doing ok and I'm able to see him soon. My gut is telling me that something is wrong but he told me everything will be fine.

The morning sun shines through my window and blinds my eyes. I roll out of bed and throw on one of his t-shirts. It smells just like him and makes me think about him even more.

I put on some shorts and find myself wandering into Blake's office again. Hopefully he's here so he can fix the dark emptiness that has consumed me.

I catch a glimpse of Blake on the far side of the room. He's reading a book and isn't paying attention to anything around him.

"Can you help me now?" I ask him while pulling my legs towards the chair.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it yesterday, I had an urgent issue I had to take care of," he says while closing the door and meeting me at his desk.

"Just please take this feeling away. I can't deal with it anymore. I haven't eaten anything and couldn't sleep last night, I'm exhausted," I pout to him.

"Right, lets go ahead and start," he says while opening a book that is laying on his desk.

He begins to chant as his hands turn colors. I patiently wait until the spell starts to take effect on me.

Tingling starts forming in my chest and slowly spreads through my body. The weight on my body that has gotten heavier starts to dissipate and the emptiness slowly eases off my soul. I immediately start to feel normal.

As he finished I could feel the exhaustion in my body building. I could feel my world getting blurry as my eyes began to shut on their own. Before I could realize I was fast asleep and nothing was waking me up.

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