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Amanda's POV:

Curled up in Dylan's arms makes me feel so safe. I've missed this feeling of warmth and safety.

"I could stay here forever," I hum to Dylan as I snuggle into his chest.

He trails the tips of his fingers over my arm and down my chest to my thigh and then back up. I can feel the goosebumps erupting all over my body just from his light touch. He continues to slowly trail his fingertips while my body begins to heat up.

"Do you like this?" He whispers in my ear.

"A little to much," I giggle to him.

"Well then you're really gonna like this," he whispers into my ear.

He traces his fingers to my belly and then to my thigh while slightly grazing my heat. Kisses are trailed on my neck while he gets closer to my sex with his fingers. I can feel my breath hitch in my throat as he begins rubbing on my clit with one hand and his hand crept up my shirt to cup my boob.

"I've missed you so much... I can't hold back anymore," he hums to me and then tears my shirt away from my skin.

"Dylan!" I gasp out to him at the sudden movement.

His mouth latches onto my neck while he palms my breasts. Goosebumps spring to my bare skin as his teeth graze over the flesh on my neck.

"Stop teasing me," I moan out as he continues to softly suck and nip at my skin.

He pauses and bites down hard on my neck. It hurts for a second and then subsides into pleasure. His right hand glides down to my thighs and he begins to pull down my pants.

He continues to feed from me as pleasure courses throughout my body and brings me to the edge of an orgasm. Abruptly he lets go of my neck and places small kisses on the tender spot.

"Not yet my love. I want you to scream out my name," he smiles at me.

He rolls on top of me and kisses me roughly while playing with the wetness between my legs. The taste of blood tickles my tongue as his hands come to tangle my hair.

"I want you now, please Dylan," I moan to him while he pulls my hair a little.

He sits up on his knees and pulls his shirt off his muscular body before moving back over me. He kisses the tops of my breasts before moving slowly down to my heat. My legs began to spread apart as his hands made their way under my butt and wrapped around my thigh.

He starts sucking from my tummy until he gets to my sex. He looks up at me before I feel his tongue meet my core and begin playing my my clit and folds. My head snaps backwards uncontrollably and a moan echoes through the room.

His tongue flicked my clit over and over while his hand moved from my ass to my heat. One finger entered and began caressing my walls. I could feel my orgasm building up as my walls tightened around his digit. He adds another finger and begins to fasten his pace. My back begins to arch as a ball starts to form in my lower stomach.

"F-faster!" I moan out to Dylan while my fingers dig into the bed while an orgasm grows closer.

Instead of quickening his pace, he slows down and places small kisses onto my sex.

"I said not yet," he says to me while kissing my heat one more time.

"Please Dylan! I can't take it anymore," I breathlessly say to him.

He chuckles and begins unbuttoning his pants. He's been playing with me the whole time and finally I was about to get the release I've been waiting for.

Bloodlust (18+)(Book One)Where stories live. Discover now