8. Christen's in trouble (Edited)

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Amanda's POV :

I wake up and check my phone that had buzzed me awake. The screen read Dylan and I immediately got excited. After our kiss, He's the only thing that's been on my mind. The kiss may had been short but it was still exactly what I've been craving.

Glen said he needs more time.
Want to go for breakfast?

Yes, I'd love that. We can go to where Christen works. They have the best grits!

Yum! Be at your house in five

I began rushing to get ready. Five minutes is not enough time to make myself look decent. I grabbed some shorts and a red jacket. I put on my vans and ran towards the bathroom. I brushed out my hair and then the doorbell rang. So much for putting mascara on. I opened the door and Dylan is there with a white shirt and jeans with his amazing smile flashing me.

"Are you ready?" He asks making his way in the door, wrapping his arms around me.

"As ready as I'll ever be when you only give me 5 minutes to get ready," I say leaning up and kissing him on the cheek. He smirked at me and grabbed my chin then placed his lips on mine. It was only a peck, making me crave more. Before I could do anything else, he was pulling me out the door and to his car. I rolled my eyes at him and followed him to the car.


I made sure we were sat in Christen's section. When she realized we were here she jumps in joy. I laugh and Dylan smirks at her reaction. We were interrupted by a loud group of people entering the cafe. I could feel Dylan tense his hand that was wrapped around mine when they sat in the booth directly behind us.

"What's wrong?" I whispered. He looked at me and shook his head then turned his attention back to the table behind me. I turned my head and the purple eyes of a middle-aged man hit mine. I turned my head quickly back to Dylan. 'Vampire?' I mouthed to Dylan but he didn't answer me. I could hear the click of Christen's heels behind me and stop at their table. I glanced over my shoulder at her and saw her gorgeous smile. I only heard mumbling coming from the other table but couldn't make out what was being said.

Dylan's POV:

"Meet me out back of your little restaurant. Don't tell anyone what you're doing. Go now," The man compelled Christen to obey him and then got up to follow. I knew what he was going to do. I could tell the vampires were young just by looking at their faces and how they would tense when a human walked by, he would most likely drain her and I couldn't let that happen.

"Stay here," I told Amanda but I already knew she would follow me. I didn't want Amanda to see what was about to happen but I didn't have time to explain. I could smell his hunger and leftover blood on his breath.

Amanda's POV:

I knew he told me not to follow but I had to know what was going on. We got outside and Christen was in the arms of the man from the cafe. Her face said terrified but she couldn't say anything. Dylan rushed over to them and threw the man several feet away from us. I ran to Christen who fell to the ground looking lifeless. I held her in my arms while watching the guy charge at Dylan. With one swift move, Dylan dodged him and grabbed him by the throat and slammed him on the ground. The guy kicked Dylan and he stumbled a few steps. His fangs came out and his eyes seemed to glow. The other guy jumped up and took a few steps away from Dylan. I could tell that this wasn't going to go well.

"I'm not looking for trouble! I'm just trying to feed." He yelled at Dylan. I could tell every word made Dylan even more agitated.

"You hurt my mate's friend! Get out of here before I kill you!" He growled at him. His voice is deep and intimidating and spitting venom every word he says. I've never seen this side of him and never want to again.

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