14. I love her

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Amanda's POV :

I wake up in Dylan's arms and snuggle close to him. I look over his features and trace my finger lightly over his jaw and forehead.

The thought of him going out and possibly getting hurts makes me so worried. I wish I could help but I can't.

I'm only human and can't do a lot. Sometimes I think about being a vampire and how much better it would be for us. But I'm also scared of being one.

My whole life would be flipped upside down when I became one. I would have to learn to control everything and by the way Blake speaks, I'd be hunted and have enemies.

Dylan's gold eyes flutter open to meet my brown ones. A smile rises to his lips which makes me smile as well.

"I don't deserve you," I say scooting closer to him. His eyes widen in confusion at my statement so I continue, "Everything about you is so perfect. You're a good man with an amazing heart."

He slightly chuckles at my words. "I'm not a good man. I've hurt many people before. People who didn't deserve anything, I killed them. I regret it even when it was twenty plus years ago," he sighs.

"Why did you kill them?" I ask.

I'm astonished that he would do that. He is an amazing person yet, he killed people.

"I killed many people when I was just learning to control my thirst. Then when I joined my coven, the council would make me go out and find humans for them to feed on. They even made me join them," he chuckles and then goes straight faced.

"Once some of the council backed out for new council members, they wanted me to be apart of the council. I was tempted but I knew how they were. They don't care about the life of humans. All they want is to let loose and kill anyone they please. That's when I backed out and started living my life as a normal person."

"But you're different now and the fact that you regret about doing it in the first place is good," I say to him. "Also it wasn't your fault. It must have been hard dealing with the thirst."

"Very hard. When a person has been changed they need to drink a lot of blood to complete the transition," he say while getting out of bed.

"What does it feel like, when you transition?" I ask with curiosity running through my veins.

"It feels suffocating until you get the first taste of blood. After that your thirst will control you. You won't even be able to think straight unless you have a mouthful of blood," he sighs.

"How did you learn to control it?" I ask as I meet him at the closet.

"At first I didn't want to, I was living under the control of my thirst, but I learned how to control it later on in my life. I started to care how the families of these people would feel and if I was in their shoes, how I would feel. It made me think about my actions," he says while tugging a shirt over his head.

"If I were to have to change, would you help me throughout it?" I ask. I can see by the smile on his face the answer already.

"I'm going to be here forever and don't forget that," he said bringing me into a hug.


It was finally time to go get the spell done on me. Soon I would be in a lot of pain and maybe even dying but at least I know that Dylan will be there for me.

Dylan gave me some blood before we left the room so if I were to die I would come back. No matter what, I would rather become a vampire and not lose everything. Lose Dylan.

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