15. I love you too

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Image: Amanda's outfit

Amanda's POV :

I wake up in a damp bed next to Dylan. His eyes are trained on me so I give him a small smile even though I'm freezing. He smirks back at me while pulling my ice cold body to him.

"How are you feeling?" He asks with sorrowful eyes.

"A little sore," I tell him while cuddling up to his broad figure.

"I'll be leaving in a little while. Do you want to get breakfast with me?" He asks wrapping his arms around me.

"If I told you I was hurting all over, would you stay here with me?" I ask in an attempt to get him not to leave.

"Yes but I know that isn't the case. Get ready, I'll be cooking breakfast," he winks at me and rolls out of bed.

Immediately I miss his touch. I already know I'm going to miss him so much more in a few hours when he's gone.

I groan loud enough so he can hear me from the bathroom and roll out of bed. My feet touch the cold floor of the bedroom and I regret ever waking up.

I decide to put on a yellow crop top and high waisted jeans. I want to look nice for Dylan because I usually look like garbage around him.

Once I step into the bathroom, my eyes immediately meet with Dylan's lustful ones.
I could tell he is on edge about something but he's covering it up.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. He chuckles and pulls his hair out of his face.

"Nothing. I just really want to make love to you right now," he says. All of a sudden I was pinned up to the bathroom door and Dylan's face was inches from mine.

"Then why don't you?" I ask and look into his eyes.

"We don't have enough time. I have a lot planned for today," he says leaving my body and heading towards the door.

I meet him at the door after I readjust myself in the mirror. He's wearing a smug smile when he lays eyes back on me.

We head down the stairs hand in hand until we reach the huge kitchen. He pulls out a chair for me and makes his way to the refrigerator.

In the blink of an eye there was homemade waffles under my nose. I lick my lips at the golden brown delicacies on the plate in front of me.

"I prefer pancakes but they don't have the ingredients for them," he says rolling his eyes. I gasp at his words and feel the need to slap him.

"We have to break up," I say while wiping away fake tears.

He begins laughing at me, "Oh lord, I agree. I could never date someone that likes waffles over pancakes."

I pout at him and lightly pinch his arm. "Waffles are just better in every way. Especially when they are crunchy on the outside and soft in the middle with butter and syrup all over them," I hum and make a grumbling noise come from deep in my throat.

Woah, I didn't expect that to happen.

"Listen, that sounds good and all but everyone knows that waffles have nothing against pancakes. They're so soft and the butter and syrup cascades over it. It's just so delicious," he says while kissing his fingers and waving them in the air.

"Alright alright, that's enough. It's time to eat," I tell him while digging into my waffles.

After finishing my waffles he grabs my hand and takes me to the car.

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