4. Answers (Edited)

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Amanda's POV:

We were taken to a seat that had a clear view of the ocean. I could almost feel the Maine waves hitting the rocks and feel the cool droplets on my skin.

"What would you like to order?" The woman was about twenty-five and had jet black hair draping over her blacked out uniform. She was gorgeous and had teal colored eyes.

"I'll have the steak with green beans and mashed potatoes with water please." He spoke with such ease even with a princess-like woman in front of him. She scribbled on her notepad and turned to me.

"And what would you like ma'am?" I didn't really look at the menu yet because I was taking in the view so I decided on the first thing I saw.

"I'll have a chicken breast with goat cheese and garlic mashed, umm mashed potatoes with a sweet tea." I completely forgot about Dylan being a vampire. I didn't want him near garlic knowing it would affect him in some way.

"I'll be right back with your orders." She left our table and came back with our drinks and then was gone again.

"You know if you wanted to get garlic mashed potatoes then you could have." He said flashing his perfect smile at me.

"But I thought your kind doesn't do good around garlic." He laughed at my response. Had I said something weird?

"Ha, garlic doesn't affect us at all. How much tv do you watch to get that idea?" The tv was stupid enough to put that in your head but so were books.

"I don't watch tv. I um, I read, a lot actually. Tv is for the stupid." I said laughing with him.

"Well, your right about that. Society has got it all wrong about us. Well, they don't know we exist but still." He took a sip from his water and watched me as I did the same with my tea.

"Tell me what else they have wrong?" I said pushing my hair behind my ears. I was more than ready to know everything. I mean if I'm gonna mingle with one then I deserve to know.

"Well for starters, mirrors, we can see ourselves in them. I know about a dozen females that have to look in the mirror every 20 minutes. I think they would actually die if they couldn't." I laughed at his joke but then my mind went to how many vampires are out there? I just had to save that question for later.

"Ok, what about holy water and the cross?" I pulled my hair out from one side so my marks definitely couldn't be seen behind my thick hair.

"No, and yes to holy water but crosses is a no. Holy water burns the skin but besides that, it won't kill us. Crosses are a joke. When you came to my house earlier today I almost busted out laughing because you thought it would protect you but then again I was kinda hurt. I would never try to harm you." He went from joking to serious with his last statement. I could tell he wanted to make that clear.

"I thought you were possessed by a demon that's why I wore it..." I trail off before getting back on track. "Stakes. No effect?" I asked sipping my tea again. My curiosity was building every question I asked.

"A stake through the heart will kill us. It has to be a wooden stake but yes it is fatal, also if our heart is ripped out or head ripped off we will die." He glared into my eyes trying to get a read on me. "You're not going to try and kill me now, are you?"

"Of course not Dylan. I can't even hurt a fly so I'm definitely not capable of killing a person." I was being sincere. I didn't like hurting anything or anyone. Everyone deserves a chance in this world.

"By the way, sunlight doesn't affect us either. Well, you should have already known that since you were spying on me earlier today." He said arching his eyebrow and biting his lower lip.

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