27. Pureblood in a human body

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Dylan's pov:

The silver is biting into my skin, sending shocks of pain through my body. Every move I make is complete torture to me.

I'm abruptly dropped to the ground and the silver is ripped from my body being replaced by shackles.

"Dylan Harper, you are here today for going against the councils rules and letting a Human know about us. Get ready for judgement," Diego says, taking a seat in the middle of them.

I don't respond to anything. I just keep my head bowed and eyes down. The pain is overwhelming.

"Do you want to make this worse on yourself son?" one of the older council members asks.

"No," I shortly respond.

"You realize that you jeopardize everything we built," a women asks a little more disgusted then the rest.

"There is a slight problem," Diego speaks up while rubbing his chin.

"What is that problem?" The women asks again.

"She's not completely human. I've come to figure out that she is a pureblooded vampire in the body of a human," he states and looks directly at me.

"Of what Bloodline does she come from," the older man asks, a little more intrigued now.

"I thought that it was a coincidence but she's a Pratt. Isn't that right, Dylan?" Diego shoots me a look.

Before I could say anything, one of the younger council members says, "Impossible. The Pratt bloodline has been dead for a long time now."

"It seems they are still thriving," says the women, disappointment evident on her face.

"It's a good thing that the Pratt bloodline is still alive. There were one of the most wealthy and strongest around," the older man says.

"If we let her live then we will be targeted. Hunters from all around will come after us because we're keeping a Pureblood of that bloodline around," the women scoffs at the older man.

"Killing her would be like killing a royal. The Pratt bloodline is basically a Royal bloodline," the younger one says. "But Sakara is right. It is a huge risk that could lead to the extinction of this coven."

A snort comes from my lips, gaining the attention of the council members.

"You really believe that the royals won't have your ass when they find out you killed one of there own? Or any pureblood around that hears of this coven killing of a fellow pureblood? Who would you rather go against?" I ask and look at all of the council members.

None of them were thinking with their head besides the old man. He's the only one that realizes that killing Amanda would be the worst decision.

"Take him away," Diego states. "This should be a private conversation."

Men come up and pull me away and take me to the holding cells for prisoners. I try to listen in on the councils conversation but I can only hear mumbling.

Diego's pov:

"He's right you know. Killing her would be full out war on either side. I would much rather go against the hunters rather than go against the royals and purebloods," Lex says. (The older one)

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