5. The Truth (Edited)

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Image: Delilah Fields

Dylan's POV:

She's not my girlfriend, I just feed on her." I wanted to tell her the truth but I knew she would definitely want to meet her and that just seems like it's too soon.

"It's either you bring her over here or I do." She said shrugging her shoulders. "You decide."

"Tonight then. She has work until later but I think you can manage until then." I said walking to my bedroom.

"Where are you going? I came all this way from Florida and this is how you say welcome back?" I gave her a shrug and continued my mission to get the hell out of there.


Amanda's POV:

Work was long and boring but I had to do it to get money. I'm a waitress at an old cafe off of the end of my long street, right outside of town. It was nice to see all the new faces that stopped by but exhausting when one of them is a person you know from high school. I stepped in my car and checked my phone seeing I had several texts from Dylan.

So my "sister" knows about you.
She wants to meet you.
Dinner at my place?

Should I be nervous about meeting her? And why the quotations around sister?

No of course not. She's one of the only people I trust and I know her well enough to know she wouldn't do that.
Also, she's not my sister. Just a close friend.

Are you sure it's a good idea?

Positive. I'll be expecting you around 7:30.

It was 6:00 pm right now so I had to hurry so I could shower all the cafe grease off of me and be able to get ready before time. I got to my house around 6:30 and finished my shower at 6:50. I decided to wear light-colored jeans and a tan sweater with my normal white flip flops and a little bit of mascara. I was done around 7:20 and then I just waited. I paced around my room and thought about what I should do with my hair. Last-minute I threw it up into a messy bun and realized the marks were gone. I guess while I was asleep he fixed me...But how?

7:30 rolls around and I make my way to the door. Christen was nowhere to be found and that was good because I had no time to spare for chit chat. I locked the house up and took long strides to get to his. I was excited to meet her and get to know more about their kind but then again, nervous. What if she isn't as welcoming as Dylan?

I rung the doorbell and before my finger was off of it Dylan was pulling me in the door. He had a death grip on me and was looking at the door I was just pulled from. I turned around to face the women from before. She was standing right where I stood not long ago with a pissed off face.

"I told you I wanted to open the door." He spat at her.

"And I told you I was gonna get it whether you liked it or not." She hissed. They were really arguing over who opened the door. It was obvious they were close because they argued like best friends. I sighed at them and got out of Dylan's death grip. They were both quiet as I walked over to the couch and face planted in it.

"Y'all are really arguing about the door?" I ask through the cushion that my face was in. They began to laugh at me and at each other as they took the woman opposite couch from me and Dylan pulled me close to him.

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