22. Please Amanda

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Amanda's POV:

Pain and then the taste of iron fills my mouth as he pulls the knife out of my side and places his open wrist in my mouth.

"Enough," he states while pulling his arm away from me.

I pull up my shirt to expose the gash that is now healing. His hand lightly touches my cheek making me jerk my head up in surprise. He licks his lips and slowly moves into my face before stopping a few inches from me.

"What are you?" He asks and I can tell he's trying to compel me so I play along.

"I'm human," I say in a monotone pitch.

He backs up from me and goes back to making my sandwich. Only one thing keeps replaying gib my mind and it's what Max said.

"What did Max mean when he said you're the head of the council?" I ask while looking at the delicious sandwich he had just finished making.

"I'm the one who decides people's fate, make sure the rules are followed, make the final decision on everything," he finishes.

He's the one pulling all the strings. He's the reason why Dylan and me are captive right now.

"Why are you doing this to us?" I ask, tears springing to my eyes.

"I'm only following the rules. You won't be here long though," he says while leaning on his fist and licking eyes with me.

"What do you mean?" I ask while getting excited. Maybe he'll let us go.

"You'll be dead soon along with your boyfriend and everyone else that knows about our secret," he says while a creepy smile spreads across his lips.


I ended up eating the sandwich and being stuffed back in that cage until morning. I couldn't sleep the whole night. Death is all I thought about.

"Get up," Diego says from in front of the cage.

I can't even fight him. Im consumed by depression so I just crawl out and stand in front of him.

"I'm hungry," he says while roughly grabbing onto my arms and pushing me towards the bed.

I don't have the strength or will to fight him at this point. My mind is running in circles of what's going to happen to Dylan. As long as he's safe, I'll be alright. I don't care what happens to me as long as he's ok.

I feel pain as his teeth dig into the flesh on my shoulder but I don't squirm or make any noise. I let him feed and hope it's over soon. I don't want to feel anything anymore.

Abruptly he pulls away from me with blood slowly falling from the corner of his mouth. A look of disgust plastered on his face.

"What's wrong with you. You taste so bitter," he states while wiping the remainder of blood from his lips.

I don't say anything. I can't say anything. Why is this happening? Why is this happening? Why is this happening?

He waves his hand in front of my face, trying to get me to pay attention but I don't pay attention to him. I'm exhausted. I want to sleep. I want to sleep forever.

I close my eyes slowly as the darkness pulls at me. I can feel shaking but I don't want to acknowledge it so I ignore it and let myself drift until I'm in complete darkness.


Dylan's POV:

"All you have to do is answer our questions and then you'll be free to go," Max says while slowly cutting down my stomach.

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